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Is the bioninja website compatible with safari safari?

Asked by Bryan Hubbard on Dec 11, 2021 Website construction guide

Welcome to the BioNinja Website – your one-stop resource for everything IB Biology related! This website is designed specifically for the new IB Biology syllabus (2016 –) This site is still under development, so new features will be periodically added This site was optimised for Safari – certain features may not work on other browsers
At the time it supported Windows XP SP2 and SP3, Windows Vista and Windows 7. It may run on more recent releases of Windows under a compatibility layer although it's not representative of the current state of Safari in macOS or iOS.
In addition, No, most certainly not. If you’re a Windows user in need of a web browser you would be better off running Edge, IE, Chrome, or Firefox, simply because those browsers are still maintained while Safari for Windows is not. Nonetheless, if you do need it, you can run Safari on a PC if you need to for whatever reason.
Open and switch between multiple web pages in a single window. Instantly snap back to search results or the top level of a website. Let Safari complete online forms for you, automatically and securely. RSS tells you when new content is added to your favorite sites. Resize text fields on any website: Just grab the corner and drag.
The web is always evolving, and as it does, so does WebKit and Safari. You’ll want to keep informed of the evolving standards emanating from the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG) and World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards bodies.