Windows Docker installation

The Docker engine uses Linux kernel features, so we need to run Docker on Windows using a lightweight virtual machine (VM).

We install virtual machines and run Dockers with Boot2Docker


1, install Boot2Docker

The latest version of Boot2Docker Download Address:

The latest version is v1.8.0 and the download address is:

2, run the installation file

Run the installation file and it will install virtualbox, MSYS-git boot2docker Linux image, and Boot2Docker management tools.

Windows Docker installation

Windows Docker installation

Windows Docker installation

Then click "Next" continuously to enter the following interface

Windows Docker installation

Click "Install" to start the installation.

Windows Docker installation

The installation is complete.

Windows Docker installation

Run Boot2Docker Start from the desktop or program Files.

Boot2Docker Start will start a Unix shell to configure and manage Docker running on the virtual host, and we can see if it works by running docker version.

Windows Docker installation

Run Docker

Using boot2docker.exe ssh to the virtual host, and then execute docker run hello-world

Windows Docker installation

Windows Docker installation

At this end, docker's installation on the Windows system is complete.