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Whether the programmer's salary is overestimated

May 29, 2021 Article blog

In recent years, it has become popular in the IT industry to marry programmers, why? T here's a lot of money. W e know from online recruitment sites, or from some professionals, that some programmers are paid more, or that they are paid a little more than in other industries. B ut are your salaries overvalued? Let's look at a set of data:

 Whether the programmer's salary is overestimated1

China Programmer Survival Report 2018

According to the Programmer Inn's 2018 China Programmer Survival Report, programmers earning less than 5w a year make up only 6.2%, and are under 25 years of age with a working life of only 1-2 years; W ant to be a programmer? Read a master's degree in computer science first

 Whether the programmer's salary is overestimated2

From the 100offer programmer job seeker's academic background, undergraduate and above programmers accounted for the vast majority, professional degree programmers are few and far between. A lthough there are some candidates with specialized backgrounds who rely on the efforts of the day after, but after all, very few. It can be said that undergraduate is only a "benchmark", master's degree and master's degree or above is considered "standard match".

We took a screenshot of a recruitment site, in Beijing, for example, 3-5 years of development experience, generally more than 20k, even new graduates are basically around 10k. Internet salaries do look relatively high compared to other industries.

 Whether the programmer's salary is overestimated3

But in real life, the work of high-paying programmers is not as easy and free as people usually think.

1, programmers are the double torture of mental and physical strength They have to stay up all night to code, can only sit in front of the computer, because of the long stay up late, the physical condition has been much worse than before, in recent years is also often able to see the news of the sudden death of code farmers, a large part of the reasons and work habits related. E ven because of long hours, some people reach the age of thirty-five without an object. I n addition, there is a kind of thing called overtime, many people can not carry long-term overtime, perhaps some people will say that "that turn management is good", but, a company's management also does not need too much, one or two enough, need is development, need to write code programmers. P Programmers are either working overtime or on their way to overtime. H e came back when everyone else was asleep, and he went to work when everyone else didn't get up. T his phenomenon is too common in the development industry. sure of technology every year, three years a big change, a small change every year, you can see every few years out of a new language fire all over the IT world, the front end every once in a while out of a new framework. P Programmers and other industries have a very big difference, the older programmers, but the less delicious, new technology, the older, the more not to learn, in this language or technology accumulated experience, may be useful in these years. C hange the language, you have to relearn, and this is also linked to their own wages, that is, wages reflect your ability, your excellence or mediocrity. ice" in the eyes of laymen, may not feel that programmers are worth it. B ecause of the code, there are on the Internet, you help me download a change on the line. C Can you help me make an app like WeChat Chat, quite simply, just like WeChat? Things like this happen all the time. T here's also a kind of programmer called a programmer who comes out of a pipeline, which is what we often call a training facility. I t is precisely these assembly lines out of the programmers, high asking price, poor foundation, poor ability, to the market to create an illusion, programmers are false high asking price. umpy netizen said, "This salary level is really high." But there's no reason to be laid off if you don't get a promotion at 35, just because there are so many people studying IT right now. Look at a set of data: Baidu average age 26 Ali average age 28 Tencent average age 27 Huawei average age 29 even if the average undergraduate graduate, graduation age is mostly 24 years old, after 5 years of work, began to be in a state of backwardness. When you're in your 35s and 40s, most people want to settle down, but they don't have a chance to take advantage of new opportunities anymore, because you may not be able to compete with recent graduates.
Summary: Programmer's salary, I don't think it's high at all. N o matter which industry, it has its own development opportunities. N o matter what industry you are in, as long as you can do very well, in which industry you can get a high salary. Many times we should not one-sided to interpret programmers, no matter which industry, need to accumulate their own experience, precipitation in the industry.

Reprinted from: Rookie Python

These are the whole things that the editor-in-chief has compiled about whether the programmer's salary is overestimated.