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What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?

May 31, 2021 Article blog

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Programming language function is to define the language of the computer, can be understood is a class of people and computers can recognize the language. Programming languages allow programmers to quickly and correctly define the data they need and take action in a variety of situations.

With the development of the Internet era, programming has become the core of today's technology, many times programming capabilities directly affect the potential of building high-tech in the information age, in the next few decades, there will be greater demand for programming, and programming talent will be more valuable, then you know what programming language is? What's their ranking like?

Below is a small compilation to bring you the latest list of programming languages 2020, this list for the function of each programming language, popularity, social needs of a comprehensive ranking, let's take a look at it.

 What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?1

1 .C language

 What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?2

  • Difficulty: High
  • Application: Embedded development
  • Career opportunities: software developers, application developers, testers

The C language is arguably one of the oldest programming languages and is still one of the top programming languages, with good portability, so it is also used by several tech giants, including Microsoft, Oracle and Apple, and can be used with almost any system, making it ideal for operating systems and embedded systems. B ecause of the low requirements for operating environments, C is ideal for keeping such systems streamlined. It is highly recommended for beginners to learn that C is essentially the lingua franca of programming languages and has spawned derivatives such as C and C, which are also very popular.


 What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?3

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Applications: Server development, web development, application software development
  • Career opportunities: Web developers, application developers, EJB programmers, software developers, testers, etc.

For many years, Java has been at the top of the list of the most popular programming languages, many well-known technology companies are using Java to develop software and applications, so the social needs are great, and this programming language is powerful, easy to use, but also has a good extension, able to master the language, basically find a job without worry.

3. Python

 What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?4

  • Difficulty: Low
  • Applications: Server development, web development, tool development
  • Career opportunities: software engineers, software developers, web developers, quality assurance engineers, data science

Python's popularity has grown steadily over the past 15 years. A lso this year, Python is a learner and user, and is considered one of the most popular programming languages. I n the past few years, it has been able to make the top five in the TIOBE index. I t is the main language behind some of today's most promising technologies, such as AI, machine learning, big data and robotics, and Python has built up a huge following in recent years. But it's not hard to learn Python after you have a programming language foundation, which is why many experienced developers choose Python as a second or third language.

4.C plus

 What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?5

  • Difficulty: High
  • Application areas: server development, application software development, game development
  • Career opportunities: operating systems and compilers, database engines, gaming industry, financial platforms, embedded systems

This is an object-oriented programming language developed in 1980 for the programming of a wide range of systems from desktop Web applications to server infrastructure. D ue to the flexibility, effectiveness, and ease of porting of C, there is still a need for C. T he career of C s often involves developing desktop applications, which are often performance-intensive tasks. Mastery of C s gives you a deeper understanding of the programming language and helps you master the underlying memory operation skills and how it works.

5 .C #

 What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?6

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Applications: server development, application software development, game development, web development
  • Career opportunities: Game development, application engineer

At a time when Java was heavily used by business software developers, Microsoft was developed to compete with Java. I t is designed to develop applications on the Microsoft platform and requires a .NET framework on Windows to work properly. Y ou can use C to develop almost everything, but it's especially powerful for Windows desktop applications and game development. After a decline in popularity over the past two years, it seems to have finally gained attention because it has moved up a position this year, pushing away Visual Basic .NET.

6. Visual Basic

 What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?7

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Applications: Application software development, web development
  • Career opportunities: Senior Engineer, Software Developer, DevOps Engineer, QA Automation Engineer

Although Visual Basic . N ET ranks sixth in the Top 10 Programming Languages 2020 list, but the language's rating has generally declined. I t is one of Microsoft's OOP languages, combining the capabilities of the .NET Framework-based class and runtime environment. I t originated from VB6 and is known for the development of GUI applications, making programmers' work easier and increasing productivity. F or coders, VB . NET provides a quick and easy way to create desktop applications for Windows platforms as well as Web services and Web development.

7. JavaScript

 What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?8

  • Difficulty: Low
  • Applications: Server development, web development
  • Career opportunities: Web developer, software developer, app developer, UI/UX engineer

JavaScript has not only managed to rank seventh among top programming languages, but has also made positive changes in ratings. T oday, almost all software developers use JavaScript more or less. W orking with HTML and CSS is critical for front-end Web development, which creates interactive Web pages and dynamically displays content to users. M ore than 90% of websites use this language, and it is one of the most learner-friendly programming languages in the Top 10 Programming Languages 2020 list from the start. S o if you're proficient in JavaScript, you won't be short of opportunities. However, you will need to learn additional support languages and frameworks to pursue a career as a front-end developer for desktop, mobile application, or game development

8 .PHP

 What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?9

  • Difficulty: Low
  • Application: Web development
  • Career opportunities: Web developer, app developer

PhP has been replaced by JavaScript and dropped to eighth place in the Top 10 Programming Languages 2020 list, according to TIOBE. P HP is primarily used for server-side Web development, accounting for about 80% of Internet sites. F acebook started with PHP and made it very popular in the WordPress content management system. P HP provides several frameworks, such as Laravel and Drupal, to help developers build applications faster and be more scalable. Therefore, PHP is not a good choice if you are looking for a career in Web development.

9. R language

 What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?10

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Application: Tool development
  • Career opportunities: data processors, statistical analysts

The R language is primarily used for statistical analysis, drawing, and operating environments. R was originally developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. ( also known as R) is now being developed by the R Development Core Team. R is a GNU project based on the S language, so it can also be used as an implementation of the S language, usually written in the S language code can be run without modification in the R environment. R's syntax is from Scheme.

10 .SQL

 What is the ranking of the latest WEB development programming languages?11

  • Difficulty: Low
  • Application: Database
  • Career opportunities: database administrator, database developer, database tester, data scientist, application developer, web developer

SQL rose to ninth place. F or some time, this programming language was hot in the top 20 programming languages in the TIOBE index. I t is important to note that, despite other database technologies, this standard query language for managing databases has dominated for the past 40 years. T he reason for this is its simplicity, reliability, universality, and active community, which spares no effort to make this open source language. SQL is generally easier for beginners to learn than other languages, and well-paid jobs such as Data Analytics are a must for career development.