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WeChat small program view container scroll-view

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


The view area can be scrolled.

The property name Type The default Description
scroll-x Boolean false Scroll sideways are allowed
scroll-y Boolean false Scroll vertically is allowed
upper-threshold Number 50 How far from the top/left (px) triggers the scrolltoupper event
lower-threshold Number 50 When it is far from the bottom/right (px), the scrolltolower event is triggered
scroll-top Number Set the position of the vertical scroll bar
scroll-left Number Set the horizontal scroll bar position
scroll-into-view String The value should be a child element id (id cannot begin with a number). Set which direction to scroll in and which direction to scroll to the element
scroll-with-animation Boolean false Use an animated transition when setting the scroll bar position
enable-back-to-top Boolean false When iOS clicks on the top status bar and Android double-clicks on the title bar, the scroll bar returns to the top and only supports vertical orientation
bindscrolltoupper EventHandle Scrolling to the top/left triggers the scrolltoupper event
bindscrolltolower EventHandle Scrolling to the bottom/right triggers the scrolltolower event
bindscroll EventHandle Triggered when scrolling, event.detail , scrollLeft, scrollTop, scrollHeight, scrollWidth, deltaX, deltaY

When using vertical scrolling, you need to set the height via WXSS by giving a fixed height to the <scroll-view/>

Example code:

<view class="section">
  <view class="section__title">vertical scroll</view>
  <scroll-view scroll-y style="height: 200px;" bindscrolltoupper="upper" bindscrolltolower="lower" bindscroll="scroll" scroll-into-view="{{toView}}" scroll-top="{{scrollTop}}">
    <view id="green" class="scroll-view-item bc_green"></view>
    <view id="red"  class="scroll-view-item bc_red"></view>
    <view id="yellow" class="scroll-view-item bc_yellow"></view>
    <view id="blue" class="scroll-view-item bc_blue"></view>

  <view class="btn-area">
    <button size="mini" bindtap="tap">click me to scroll into view </button>
    <button size="mini" bindtap="tapMove">click me to scroll</button>
<view class="section section_gap">
  <view class="section__title">horizontal scroll</view>
  <scroll-view class="scroll-view_H" scroll-x="true" style="width: 100%">
    <view id="green" class="scroll-view-item_H bc_green"></view>
    <view id="red"  class="scroll-view-item_H bc_red"></view>
    <view id="yellow" class="scroll-view-item_H bc_yellow"></view>
    <view id="blue" class="scroll-view-item_H bc_blue"></view>

var order = ['red', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'red']
  data: {
    toView: 'red',
    scrollTop: 100
  upper: function(e) {
  lower: function(e) {
  scroll: function(e) {
  tap: function(e) {
    for (var i = 0; i < order.length; ++i) {
      if (order[i] === {
          toView: order[i + 1]
  tapMove: function(e) {
      scrollTop: + 10

WeChat small program view container scroll-view

Bug & Tip

  1. tip Do not use scroll-view textarea map components canvas video
  2. tip scroll-into-view over scroll-top
  3. tip : When scroll-view the page bounces back, so scroll-view does not onPullDownRefresh
  4. tip To refresh with a drop-down, use the scroll of the page instead scroll-view which also returns to the top of the page by clicking on the top status bar