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WeChat small program view container cover-view

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


Base library 1.4.0 starts to be supported, and low versions need to be compatible.

A view of text that overlays on a native component.

Native components that can be covered include map, video, canvas, camera, live-player, live-pusher

Nested cover-view, cover-image only are supported, and button can be used in cover-view. The length units of component properties default to px, with 2.4.0 supporting incoming units (rpx/px).

Property Type The default Required Description The lowest version
scroll-top number/string Whether Set the top scroll offset, effective only after overflow-y: scroll becomes a scroll element 2.1.0


  1. The aria-role of cover-view and cover-image can only be set to button, click in read-screen mode, and read out "buttons";
  2. The base library 2.2.4 supports touch-related events, or you can use hover-class to set the click state
  3. The base library 2.1.0 supports setting the css style of scale rotate, including transition animation
  4. The base library from 1.9.90 cover-view supports overflow: scroll, but does not support dynamic updates to overflow
  5. Base library 1.9.90 from the outerst cover-view support position: fixed
  6. The base library from 1.9.0 supports inserting under labels such as view. Previously, only native components could be nested within map, video, canvas, and camera, avoiding nesting within other components.
  7. The base library 1.6.0 supports CSS Transition animation, Translation-property is only supporting Transform (Translatex, TranslateY) and Opacity.
  8. The base bank 1.6.0 supports CSS Opacity.
  9. The event model follows the bubbling model, but does not bubbling to the native components.
  10. Text suggestions are labeled with cover-view to avoid typoography errors.
  11. Only basic positioning, layout, and text styles are supported. Setting up unilateral borders, background-image, shadow, overflow: visible, and so on is not supported.
  12. It is recommended that child nodes do not overflow the parent node
  13. The use of z-index control levels is supported
  14. The default styles are: white-space: nowrap; l ine-height: 1.2; display: block;
  15. When a custom component nests cover-view, the slot of the custom component and its parent nodes are not supported for the time being hidden through wx:if control, otherwise the cover-view does not appear