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WeChat small program user contract (optional)

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents

User contracting (optional)

WeChat background to inform the owner of the user log off / contract.

1, request parameters

The name of the argument Type Required Note
appid string Y Small program
mch_id string Y Pay the merchant number
nonce_str string Y Random string
encrypted_data string Y Use AESCBCPKCS7PADDING
string Y IV for decryption (base64)
sign string Y Signature of 1 to 5 fields

encrypted_data decrypted data

The name of the argument Type Required Note
Openid string Y User openid
cardid string N The owner's user ID

2, return parameters

The name of the argument Type Required Note
errcode Int Y 0 is a success
errmsg string N The error message
nonce_str string Y Bring it back as is

3, sample code



encrypted_data is decrypted:


