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WeChat small program slider view container slider view container

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


Base library 1.0.0 starts to support, and low versions need to be compatible.

Slider view container.

Property Type The default Required Description The lowest version
indicator-dots boolean false Whether Whether to display the panel indication point 1.0.0
indicator-color color rgba(0, 0, 0, .3) Whether Indicates the color of the point 1.1.0
indicator-active-color color #000000 Whether The color of the indicator point that is currently selected 1.1.0
autoplay boolean false Whether Whether to switch automatically 1.0.0
current number 0 Whether Index of the current slider 1.0.0
interval number 5000 Whether Switch intervals automatically 1.0.0
duration number 500 Whether The length of the slide animation 1.0.0
circular boolean false Whether Whether to use a bridging slide 1.0.0
vertical boolean false Whether Whether the sliding direction is portrait 1.0.0
previous-margin string "0px" Whether The front margin, which can be used to expose a small portion of the previous item, accepts px and rpx values 1.9.0
next-margin string "0px" Whether The rear margin, which can be used to expose a small portion of the last, accepts px and rpx values 1.9.0
display-multiple-items number 1 Whether The number of sliders displayed at the same time 1.9.0
skip-hidden-item-layout boolean false Whether Whether to skip the unseeded slider layout and set it to true optimizes sliding performance in complex situations, but loses layout information for hidden slider 1.9.0
easing-function string "default" Whether Specify the type of swiper toggle easing animation 2.6.5
bindchange eventhandle Whether Change event is triggered when the current changes, event.detail . 1.0.0
bindtransition eventhandle Whether The transition event is triggered when the position of swiper-item changes, event.detail . 2.4.3
bindanimationfinish eventhandle Whether The animation ends with an animationfinish event, event.detail i.m 1.9.0

The legal value of easing-function

Value Description The lowest version
default The default easing function
linear Linear animation
easeInCubic Slow down the animation
easeOutCubic Slow out the animation
easeInOutCubic Slow in and slow out the animation

Starting with the public library v1.4.0, change detail that source the cause of the change, possibly with the following values:

  • autoplay causes the swiftr to change;
  • touch user scratching causes a change in the wipper;
  • Other reasons are represented by empty strings.

Note: If you use setData to change the current value in the event callback function of bindchange it is possible setData is called non-stop, so current source field before changing source to determine if it is caused by the user's touch. current


Base library 1.0.0 starts to support, and low versions need to be compatible.

Can only be <swiper/> and the width and height are automatically set to 100%.

Property Type The default Required Description The lowest version
item-id string Whether The identifier of the swiper-item 1.9.0

Example code:

<swiper indicator-dots="{{indicatorDots}}"
  autoplay="{{autoplay}}" interval="{{interval}}" duration="{{duration}}">
  <block wx:for="{{imgUrls}}">
      <image src="{{item}}" class="slide-image" width="355" height="150"/>
<button bindtap="changeIndicatorDots"> indicator-dots </button>
<button bindtap="changeAutoplay"> autoplay </button>
<slider bindchange="intervalChange" show-value min="500" max="2000"/> interval
<slider bindchange="durationChange" show-value min="1000" max="10000"/> duration
  data: {
    imgUrls: [
    indicatorDots: false,
    autoplay: false,
    interval: 5000,
    duration: 1000
  changeIndicatorDots: function(e) {
      indicatorDots: !
  changeAutoplay: function(e) {
      autoplay: !
  intervalChange: function(e) {
      interval: e.detail.value
  durationChange: function(e) {
      duration: e.detail.value