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WeChat Small Program Operations Center realtimelogSearch

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document


This interface should be called on the server side, as detailed in the Service Side API.

Real-time log queries

The request address


Request parameters

Property Type The default Required Description
access_token string Is The interface calls the credentials
date string Is Dates in YYYYMMDD format, only the last 7 days are supported
begintime number Is The start time, which must be the time of the date specified by date
endtime number Is The end time, which must be the time specified by date
start number 0 Whether The data substation that starts returning is used as a page, which defaults to 0
limit number 20 Whether The number of data bars returned, used as pedding, defaults to 20
traceId string Whether The unique ID that the applet starts, and pressing the TraceId query shows logs of all pages of the small program startup process.
Url string Whether Small program page paths, such as pages/index/index
Id string Whether User microsyscope or OpenId
filterMsg string Whether The developer specifies the filter Msg field through setFileter Msg/addFilter Msg
level number Whether Log level, which returns logs greater than or equal to the level, level is defined as 2 (Info), 4 (Warn), 8 (Error), and if specified as 4, logs greater than or equal to 4 are returned, i.e. Warn and Error logs are returned.

Returns a value


Property Type Description
data Object The total number of log data and log bars returned
list Array.<Object> The list of log data returned
errcode number WeChat side error code, return when the order fails
errmsg string WeChat side error message, return when the order fails

The structure of the list

Property Type Description
level number The log level is the result of all the level fields or actions in the msg array. For example, if there are two logs in the msg array, Info (value 2) and Warn (value 4), the level value is 6
libraryVersion string The underlying library version
clientVersion string The client version
Id string WeChat user OpenID
timestamp number Unix timestamp for logging
platform number 1 Android 2 IOS
Url string A link to the small program page
msg Array.<Object> An array of log contents,, etc. exist here
traceid string The unique ID that the applet starts, and pressing the TraceId query shows logs of all pages of the small program startup process.
filterMsg string WeChat user OpenID

The structure .msg the list

Property Type Description
time number time of the call
msg Array.<string> the contents of the call, each argument is an item of the array
level number the log level of the call

The legal value of errcode

Value Description The lowest version
-1 The system failed
200002 Argument error, date, begintime, endtime required. Date can only be the date of the last three days, endtime must be larger than begintime
200010 Operations are too frequent and are currently limited to 50 per minute
200007 No permissions

Returns the example

The query was successful: "errcode": 0, "errmsg": "", "data": "list": "level": 6, "platform": 1, "libraryVersion": "2.8.3", "clientVersion": "7.0.7", "id": "oXu034-Kl5Et2U0exKDsFaon0Q", "timestamp": 1570852796, "msg": "time": 1570852795, "msg": "hello world", "level": 2," "time": 157085 2795, "msg": "get msg list mig 10006", "level": "4", "url": "pages/chat/chat", "traceid": " oXu03410akoNqfsrMMswk6Zwwl1U_1570852656", "filterMsg": "NetworkExceed08 ReportTimeTotal" }], "total": 1000 } }