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WeChat Small Program Operations Center getPerformance

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document


This interface should be called on the server side, as detailed in the Service Side API.

Performance monitoring

The request address


Request parameters

Property Type The default Required Description
access_token string Is The interface calls the credentials
cost_time_type number Is Optional values 1 (total start-up time), 2 (download time), 3 (initial rendering time)
default_start_time number Yes Query start time
default_end_time number Yes Query end time
device string Yes System platform, optional value "@_all:" (all), 1 (ios), 2 (Android)
is_download_code string Yes Whether to download the code package, take effect when Type is 1, optional value "@_all:" (all), 1 (y), 2 (no)
scene string Yes Access source, take effect when Type is 1 or 2, get it through the GetScenelist interface
networktype string Yes Network environment, when Type is 2, select value "@_all:", WiFi, 4G, 3G, 2G

Request example

  "cost_time_type": 2,
  "default_start_time": 1572339403,
  "default_end_time": 1574931403,
  "device": "@_all",
  "networktype": "@_all",
  "scene": "@_all",
  "is_download_code": "@_all"

Returned JSON packet

Attributes type illustrate
errcode number error code
errmsg string Error message
default_time_data string Error query data (JSON string, strbody as follows)
compare_time_data string Compare data

StrBody's structure

Attributes type illustrate
ref_date string date
cost_time_type number The meaning is the same as the cost_time_type
cost_time number Time-consuming (milliseconds)

An example response

  "default_time_data": "{\"list\":[{\"ref_date\":\"20191029\",\"cost_time_type\":2,\"cost_time\":1533},{\"ref_date\":\"20191030\",\"cost_time_type\":2,\"cost_time\":1682}]}",
  "compare_time_data": "",
  "errcode": 0