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WeChat small program media component audio

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents



The property name Type The default Description
Id String A unique identifier for the audio component
Src String The resource address to play the audio
loop Boolean false Whether to loop
controls Boolean true Whether to display the default control
poster String The picture resource address of the audio cover page on the default control is set to be invalid if the controls property value is false
name String Unknown audio The audio name on the default control, and if the controls property value is false, setting name is not valid
author String Unknown author The author's name on the default control is set to be invalid if the controls property value is false
binderror EventHandle When an error occurs, the error event is triggered, and the detail is .
bindplay EventHandle The play event is triggered when playback starts/continues
bindpause EventHandle The pause event is triggered when playback is paused
bindtimeupdate EventHandle Timeupdate event is triggered when playback progress changes, detail s.currentTime, duration
bindended EventHandle The end event is triggered when playing to the end


Returns the error code Describe
MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED Getting resources is prohibited by the user
MEDIA_ERR_DECODE The decoding error
MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPOERTED Inappropriate resources

Example code:

<!-- audio.wxml -->
<audio poster="{{poster}}" name="{{name}}" author="{{author}}" src="{{src}}" id="myAudio" controls loop></audio>

<button type="primary" bindtap="audioPlay">播放</button>
<button type="primary" bindtap="audioPause">暂停</button>
<button type="primary" bindtap="audio14">设置当前播放时间为14秒</button>
<button type="primary" bindtap="audioStart">回到开头</button>
// audio.js
  onReady: function (e) {
    // 使用 wx.createAudioContext 获取 audio 上下文 context
    this.audioCtx = wx.createAudioContext('myAudio')
  data: {
    poster: '',
    name: '此时此刻',
    author: '许巍',
    src: '',
  audioPlay: function () {
  audioPause: function () {
  audio14: function () {
  audioStart: function () {

WeChat small program media component audio

Related: wx.createAudioContext