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WeChat Small Program Framework Extension Computed

May 21, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

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The applet customizes the component to extend the behavior, calculate the implementation of the properties computed and the listener watch. When data or properties change, the computed field is recalculated and the watch listener is triggered.

This behavior relies on the npm build of the developer tool. Details can be found in the official npm documentation.

How to use it

An environment that requires a small program base library version of .

You can experience this snippet directly, which contains an example of basic usage:


npm install --save miniprogram-computed

Computed basic usage

const computedBehavior = require('miniprogram-computed')

  behaviors: [computedBehavior],
  data: {
    a: 1,
    b: 1,
  computed: {
    sum(data) {
      // 注意: computed 函数中不能访问 this ,只有 data 对象可供访问
      // 这个函数的返回值会被设置到 字段中
      return data.a + data.b
  methods: {
    onTap() {
        b: +,
<view>A = {{a}}</view>
<view>B = {{b}}</view>
<view>SUM = {{sum}}</view>
<button bindtap="onTap">click</button>

Watch basic usage

const computedBehavior = require('miniprogram-computed')

  behaviors: [computedBehavior],
  data: {
    a: 1,
    b: 1,
    sum: 2,
  watch: {
    'a, b': function(a, b) {
        sum: a + b
  methods: {
    onTap() {
        b: +,
<view>A = {{a}}</view>
<view>B = {{b}}</view>
<view>SUM = {{sum}}</view>
<button bindtap="onTap">click</button>

The difference between the version of .1.0.0 and the version of .2.0.0

There is a big difference between the version of this behavior, version 1.0.0, and version of .2.0.0. T he version of .2.0.0 is based on the observers definition segment implementation that has been supported since the beginning of the small program base library 2.6.1 and has good performance. The following is a comparison of the main differences between versions.

Project ^1.0.0 ^2.0.0
The lowest version of the underlying library is supported 2.2.3 2.6.1
Watch definition watch are supported Whether Is
Performance Relatively poor Relatively good

Description of frequently asked questions

Should I use computed or watch?

In principle, watches perform better than computed, but computed is cleaner and cleaner to use.

In addition, the computed field state can only depend on data and other computed fields and cannot access this. If it is inevitable to access this, you must use watch instead.

What's the difference between watch and the observers of the little program base library itself?

  • Observers are triggered regardless of whether the field actually changes, and watch is triggered only when the field value changes, with parameters.

About the wildcard

On the watch field, you can use the wildcard, which is its ability to listen for changes in sub-fields under this field (similar to observers of the applet base library itself). Sample snippet

const computedBehavior = require('miniprogram-computed')

  behaviors: [computedBehavior],
  data: {
    obj: {
      a: 1,
      b: 2,
  watch: {
    'obj.**': function(obj) {
        sum: obj.a + obj.b
  methods: {
    onTap() {
        'obj.a': 10


  • For fields that don't use the wildcard, only a rough light comparison is made when watch checks for changes in values (using . . .
  • For fields that use the wildcard, a deep comparison is made to try to pinpoint whether the object has actually changed, which requires that the object field cannot contain loops (similar to JSON.stringify).