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WeChat small program form component picker-view (scroll selector embedded in the page)

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

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The scroll selector that embeds the page

The property name Type Description The lowest version
value NumberArray The numbers in the array represent, in turn, the last item selected by picker-view-colume in picker-view-colume (subsumed from 0), and when the number is greater than the option length of picker-view-column.
indicator-style String Style the check box in the middle of the selector
indicator-class String Set the class name of the check box in the middle of the selector 1.1.0
bindchange EventHandle When the scroll selection, value changes when the change event is triggered, event.detail is an array that indicates that picker-view-column within picker-view currently selects the first few items (subse cursor starts at 0)

Note: Only the components <picker-view-column/> and the other nodes will not be displayed.


It can only be <picker-view /> height of its child node is automatically set to match the height of the picker-view check box.

Example code:

  <picker-view indicator-style="height: 50px;" style="width: 100%; height: 300px;" value="{{value}}" bindchange="bindChange">
      <view wx:for="{{years}}" style="line-height: 50px">{{item}}年</view>
      <view wx:for="{{months}}" style="line-height: 50px">{{item}}月</view>
      <view wx:for="{{days}}" style="line-height: 50px">{{item}}日</view>
const date = new Date()
const years = []
const months = []
const days = []

for (let i = 1990; i <= date.getFullYear(); i++) {

for (let i = 1 ; i <= 12; i++) {

for (let i = 1 ; i <= 31; i++) {

  data: {
    years: years,
    year: date.getFullYear(),
    months: months,
    month: 2,
    days: days,
    day: 2,
    year: date.getFullYear(),
    value: [9999, 1, 1],
  bindChange: function(e) {
    const val = e.detail.value

WeChat small program form component picker-view (scroll selector embedded in the page)