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WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification

May 21, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents

V. Visual specifications

1. Font specification

The use of fonts in WeChat is consistent with the operating system fonts, with common font sizes of 20, 18, 17, 16, 14, 13, 11 (pt), as follows:

WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification

The font color

WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification

The main content Black black, secondary content Grey gray, timestamp and form default Light gray, large section of the description content and belong to the main content with Semi black;

WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification

Blue is the color of the link, green is the color of the finished word, and red is the color of error Press and Display state is reduced by 20% and 10%, respectively.

WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification

2. List visual specification

WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification

3. Form input visual specification

WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification

4. Button use principle

WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification

WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification

WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification

WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification

5. Icon use principle

WeChat small program design specification (5) visual specification


To make it easier for designers to design, WeChat provides a basic control library for Web design and small programs, as well as resources for developers to call.

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