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WeChat small program content component progress

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


Base library 1.0.0 starts to support, and low versions need to be compatible.

Progress bar. The length units of component properties default to px, with 2.4.0 supporting incoming units (rpx/px).

Property Type The default Required Description The lowest version
percent number no Percentage 0 ~ 100 1.0.0
show-info boolean false no Display percentage on the right side of the progress bar 1.0.0
border-radius number/string 0 no Rounded 2.3.1
font-size number/string 16 no Right percentage font size 2.3.1
stroke-width number/string 6 no Progress line width 1.0.0
color string #09BB07 no Progress strip color (please use ActiveColor) 1.0.0
activeColor string #09BB07 no Color of the selected progress bar 1.0.0
backgroundColor string #EBEBEB no Unselected progress bar color 1.0.0
active boolean false no Schedule from left to right animation 1.0.0
active-mode string backwards no Backwards: Animation from the forecast; Forwards: Animation is broadcast from the last point of the last 1.7.0
duration number 30 no Progress increases by 1% for milliseconds 2.8.2
bindactiveend eventhandle no Animation completion event 2.4.1

Sample code

<view class="progress-box">
  <progress percent="20" show-info stroke-width="3"/>

<view class="progress-box">
  <progress percent="40" active stroke-width="3" />
  <icon class="progress-cancel" type="cancel"></icon>

<view class="progress-box">
  <progress percent="60" active stroke-width="3" />

<view class="progress-box">
  <progress percent="80" color="#10AEFF" active stroke-width="3" />

WeChat small program content component progress