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WeChat small program cloud development API query filtering criteria

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

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A query filter that means that a field is equal to a value. The eq instruction accepts a literal amount, which can be number, boolean, string, object, array, Date.

Method signature:

function eq(value: any): Command

For example, filter out all your own published articles, except in the form of a pass-through:

const myOpenID = 'xxx'
  _openid: myOpenID

You can also use instructions:

const _ = db.command
const myOpenID = 'xxx'
  _openid: _.eq(openid)

Note that eq instructions are more flexible than the way objects are used to indicate that a field is equal to an object, such as:

// 这种写法表示匹配 stat.publishYear == 2018 且 stat.language == 'zh-CN'
  stat: {
    publishYear: 2018,
    language: 'zh-CN'
// 这种写法表示 stat 对象等于 { publishYear: 2018, language: 'zh-CN' }
const _ = db.command
  stat: _.eq({
    publishYear: 2018,
    language: 'zh-CN'


Indicates that the field is not equal to a value, as opposed to db.command.eq

Query filters that indicate that the field needs to be less than the specified value. Date objects can be passed in for date comparison.

Method signature:

function lt(value: number | Date): Command

The sample code

Find todos with a progress of less than 50

const _ = db.command
  success: console.log,
  fail: console.error


A query filter that indicates that a field needs to be less than or equal to the specified value. Date objects can be passed in for date comparison.

Method signature:

function lte(value: number | Date): Command

The sample code

Find todos with progress of less than or equal to 50

const _ = db.command
  progress: _.lte(50)
  success: console.log,
  fail: console.error

Query filter, which means that the field needs to be greater than the specified value. Date objects can be passed in for date comparison.

Method signature:

function gt(value: number | Date): Command

The sample code

Find todos with progress greater than 50

const _ = db.command
  success: console.log,
  fail: console.error


A query filter that indicates that a field needs to be greater than or equal to the specified value. Date objects can be passed in for date comparison.

Method signature:

function gte(value: number | Date): Command

The sample code

Find todos with progress greater than or equal to 50

const _ = db.command
  progress: _.gte(50)
  success: console.log,
  fail: console.error

A query filter that indicates that the value of a field needs to be within a given array.

Method signature:

function in(values: any[]): Command

The sample code

Find todos with a progress of 0 or 100

const _ = db.command
  progress:[0, 100])
  success: console.log,
  fail: console.error

A query filter that indicates that the value of a field needs to be not in a given array.

Method signature:

function nin(values: any[]): Command

The sample code

Find out if the progress is not 0 or 100 todo

const _ = db.command
  progress: _.nin([0, 100])
  success: console.log,
  fail: console.error