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WeChat Small Program API User Information wx.getUserInfo (OBJECT)

May 19, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


To get user information, withCredentials is true when you need to call the wx.login interface first

OBJECT parameter description:

The name of the argument Type Required Description The lowest version
withCredentials Boolean Whether Whether to bring login status information 1.1.0
Lang String Whether Specify the language in which the user information is returned, zh_CN Chinese Simplified, zh_TW Chinese Traditional, en English 1.4.0
success Function Whether The interface calls a successful callback function
fail Function Whether The interface calls the failed callback function
complete Function Whether Callback function at end of interface call (call succeeds, fails are executed)

Note: When withCredentials is true, wx.login has been called before and the login state has not expired, the data returned will contain sensitive information such as encryptedData, iv, and when withCredentials is false, no login status is required, and the data returned does not contain sensitive information such as encryptedData, iv.

Success returns a description of the parameters:
Parameters Type Description
userInfo OBJECT User information objects that do not contain sensitive information such as openid
rawData String The original data string, which does not include sensitive information, is used to calculate the signature.
signature String Use sha1 (rawData and sessionkey) to get a string that checks user information and refers to the document signature.
encryptedData String Encrypt data including complete user information, including sensitive data, see Encryption data decision algorithm
iv String Initial vector of an encryption algorithm, see Encryption data decision algorithm

Sample code:

  success: function(res) {
    var userInfo = res.userInfo
    var nickName = userInfo.nickName
    var avatarUrl = userInfo.avatarUrl
    var gender = userInfo.gender //性别 0:未知、1:男、2:女 
    var province = userInfo.province
    var city =
    var country =

EncryptedData decrypts the following JSON structure, see Encryption data decision algorithm

    "openId": "OPENID",
    "nickName": "NICKNAME",
    "gender": GENDER,
    "city": "CITY",
    "province": "PROVINCE",
    "country": "COUNTRY",
    "avatarUrl": "AVATARURL",
    "unionId": "UNIONID",

Bug & Tip

  1. tip : wx.getUserInfo authorization, so be compatible with scenarios in which the user refuses authorization.

The UnionID mechanism explains:

If the developer has multiple mobile apps, website apps, and public accounts (including applets), you can distinguish user uniqueness by unionid, because the user's unionid is unique as long as it's a mobile app, website app, and public account (including a small program) under the same WeChat open platform account. In other words, the same user, unionid is the same for different applications under the same WeChat open platform.

Apps, public numbers, and small programs of the same subject under the same WeChat open platform, if the user has paid attention to the public number, or has logged into the app or public number, then when the user opens the small program, the developer can obtain the user's UnionID directly through wx.login without the user's re-authorization.

WeChat open platform binding small program process

Prerequisite: WeChat open platform account must have completed the developer qualification

Developer Qualification Process:

Sign in to WeChat Open Platform ( - Account Center - Developer Qualification

WeChat Small Program API User Information wx.getUserInfo (OBJECT)

Binding process:

Sign in to WeChat Open Platform ( - Management Center - Public Account - Binding Public Accounts

WeChat Small Program API User Information wx.getUserInfo (OBJECT)