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WeChat small program API drawing globalCompositeOperation

May 19, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


Base library 1.9.90 starts to support, and low versions need to be compatible


This property is the type of composition operation that is set to be applied when a new shape is drawn.


canvasContext.globalCompositeOperation = type


The property value Type Description
type String Identify which composition or blend mode operation to use

The actions supported by type are:

Platform Operation
Android xor, source-over, source-atop, destination-out, lighter, overlay, darken, lighten, hard-light
Ios xor, source-over, source-atop, destination-over, destination-out, lighter, multiply, overlay, darken, lighten, color-dodge, color-burn, hard-light, soft-light, difference, exclusion , saturation, luminosity