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WeChat small program API device orientation

May 19, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents

wx.stopDeviceMotionListening(Object object)

The base library 2.3.0 starts to support, and the lower version needs to be compatible.

Stop listening for changes in the orientation of the device.


Object object

Property Type The default Required Description
success function Whether The interface calls a successful callback function
fail function Whether The interface calls the failed callback function
complete function Whether Callback function at end of interface call (call succeeds, fails are executed)

wx.startDeviceMotionListening(Object object)

The base library 2.3.0 starts to support, and the lower version needs to be compatible.

Start listening for changes in the orientation of the device.


Object object

Property Type The default Required Description
interval string normal Whether The frequency with which the callback function performs to listen for changes in the orientation of the device
success function Whether The interface calls a successful callback function
fail function Whether The interface calls the failed callback function
complete function Whether Callback function at end of interface call (call succeeds, fails are executed)

The legal value of object.interval

Value Description The lowest version
game Callback frequency for updating games, around 20ms/time
Ui Callback frequency for updating the UI, around 60ms/time
normal Normal callback frequency, around 200ms/time

wx.onDeviceMotionChange(function callback)

The base library 2.3.0 starts to support, and the lower version needs to be compatible.

Listen for device orientation change events. T he frequency is based on the interval parameter of wx.startDeviceMotionListening(). You can use wx.stopDeviceMotionListening() to stop listening.


function callback

The callback function for the device orientation change event


Object res
Property Type Description
alpha number When the phone coordinates X/Y and Earth X/Y meet, the angle that rotates around the Z axis is alpha, with a range value of .0, 2 x PI. Turn counterclockwise to positive.
Beta number When the phone coordinates Y/Z and Earth Y/Z meet, the angle that rotates around the X axis is beta. T he range value is -1-PI, PI. T he top rotates positively toward the earth's surface. It is also possible to move towards the user as positive.
gamma number When the phone X/Z and Earth X/Z meet, the angle that rotates around the Y axis is gamma. T he range value is -1 x PI/2, PI/2). The right side turns positive towards the earth's surface.

wx.offDeviceMotionChange(function callback)

Base Library 2.9.3 starts to support, and low versions need to be compatible.

Cancel all event listening events with an empty parameter.


function callback

The callback function for the device orientation change event

wx.offDeviceMotionChange(function callback)

Base Library 2.9.3 starts to support, and low versions need to be compatible.

Cancel all event listening events with an empty parameter.


function callback

The callback function for the device orientation change event

Base Library 2.9.3 starts to support, and low versions need to be compatible.

Cancel all event listening events with an empty parameter.


function callback

The callback function for the device orientation change event