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WeChat program page routing

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Page route

The route of all the pages in the applet is managed by the framework.

Page Stack

The frame maintains all the current pages in the form of a stack.When the routing is switched, the page stack behaves as follows:

Routing method Page Stack Performance
initialization New Page Inn
Open a new page New Page Inn
Page redirection Current page outlet, new page entry
Page return The page is constantly going out until the target returns to the page, the new page is in the stack
Tab switching The page is all in the stack, leaving only a new TAB page.
Reload All pages are out, leaving only new pages


getCurrentPages() The function is used to obtain an instance of the current page stack, given the order in the array form, the first element is the home page, the last element is the current page.

TIP: Don't try to modify the page stack, which causes routing and page status errors.

Routing method

For the triggering method of the route, the page lifecycle function is as follows:

Routing method Trigger Routing front page Routing
initialization The first page opened by the small program onLoad, onSHow
Open a new page Call API wx.navigateTo Or use the components <navigator open-type="navigateTo"/> onHide onLoad, onShow
Page redirection Call API wx.redirectTo Or use the components <navigator open-type="redirectTo"/> onUnload onLoad, onShow
Page return Call API wx.navigateBack Or use the components <navigator open-type="navigateBack"> Or the user returns the button in the upper left corner onUnload onShow
Tab switching Call API wx.switchTab Or use the components <navigator open-type="switchTab"/> Or user switches TAB Please refer to the following table for a variety of situations.
Restart Call API wx.reLaunch Or use the components <navigator open-type="reLaunch"/> onUnload onLoad, onShow

Tab switching the corresponding lifecycle (with the A, B page for the Tabbar page, c is the page opened from the A page, the D page is the page opened from the C page as an example):

The current page Routing Triggering lifecycle (in order)
A A Nothing happend
A B A.onHide(), B.onLoad(), B.onShow()
A B (open again) A.onHide(), B.onShow()
C A C.onUnload(), A.onShow()
C B C.onUnload(), B.onLoad(), B.onShow()
D B D.onUnload(), C.onUnload(), B.onLoad(), B.onShow()
D (from forwarding into) A D.onUnload(), A.onLoad(), A.onShow()
D (entry from forwarding) B D.onUnload(), B.onLoad(), B.onShow()


  • navigateTo redirectTo open non-tabBar pages.
  • switchTab only open tabBar pages.
  • reLaunch can open any page.
  • The tabBar at the bottom of the page is determined by the page, i.e. as long as it is defined as tabBar, there is tabBar at the bottom.
  • The parameters that call the page routing band can be obtained onLoad the destination page.