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WeChat program navigation navigation-bar

May 18, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

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Base library 2.9.0 starts to support, and low versions need to be compatible.

The page navigation bar configures nodes to specify some properties of the navigation bar. It can only be the first node within the page-meta component and needs to be used with it.

This node gives the effect of calling interfaces such as wx.setNavigationBarTitle wx.setNavigationBarColor.

Property Type The default Required Description The lowest version
title string Whether The title of the navigation bar 2.9.0
loading boolean false Whether Whether to display a loading prompt in the navigation bar 2.9.0
front-color string Whether Navigation bar foreground color values, including buttons, titles, status bar colors, #ffffff and #000000 2.9.0
background-color string Whether The background color value of the navigation bar, with a valid value of heteens 2.9.0
color-animation-duration number 0 Whether Animation length when changing navigation bar color, default to 0 no animation) 2.9.0
color-animation-timing-func number "linear" Whether The animation mode when changing the color of the navigation bar linear easeIn easeOut easeInOut 2.9.0

The sample code

  data: {
    nbFrontColor: '#000000',
    nbBackgroundColor: '#ffffff',
  onLoad() {
      nbTitle: '新标题',
      nbLoading: true,
      nbFrontColor: '#ffffff',
      nbBackgroundColor: '#000000',