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WeChat program getUnlimited

May 19, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


This interface should be called on the server side, as detailed in the Service Side API.
This interface supports cloud calls. Developer tool version required . . . 1.02.1904090 (latest stable download)
wx-server-sdk >= 0.4.0

Get small codes for business scenarios where you need a very large number of codes. T he small program code generated through this interface is permanently valid and has no limit on the number. For more information, see Get QR codes.

How to call:

  • HTTPS call
  • Cloud calls

HTTPS call

The request address


Request parameters

Property Type The default Required Description
access_token string Is The interface calls the credentials
scene string Is Up to 32 visible characters, support only numbers, case english and some !#$&'()*+,/:;=?@-._~ as legitimate characters % (Chinese cannot be processed urlencode because % is not supported, please use a different encoding method)
page string Home Whether Must be a page that already exists for a small program (otherwise errors are reported), such as pages/index/index do not fill / do not carry parameters (parameters should be placed in the scene field), if you do not fill in this field, the default skip main page
width number 430 Whether The width of the QR code in px, minimum 280px, maximum 1280px
auto_color boolean false no Automatically configure the line color, if the color is still black, then the main tone is not recommended, the default FALSE
line_color Object {"r":0,"g":0,"b":0} no Auto_Color takes effect for false, using the RGB setting color, for example {"r":"xxx","g":"xxx","b":"xxx"} Ten etiquette
is_hyaline boolean false Whether If a transparent base color is required, a small program with a transparent base color is generated when true

Returns a value


The returned picture is Buffer

The exception returns



Property Type Description
errcode number Error code
errmsg string The error message

The legal value of errcode

Value Description The lowest version
45009 Call minute frequency is limited (currently 5000 times per minute, adjusted), if a large number of small codes are required, it is recommended to pre-build.
41030 The page that was passed does not exist, or the small program is not published

Returns a description of the value

If the call is successful, the picture binary content is returned directly, and if the request fails, the data in JSON format is returned.


  • The POST parameter needs to be converted to a JSON string and form form submission is not supported.
  • Interfaces can only generate QR codes for published small programs
  • Call minute frequency is limited (5000 times per minute), and pre-generation is recommended if a large number of small program codes are required

Gets the scene value

The value of the scene field is passed as a query parameter to the small program/game. After the user scans the code into the small program/game, the developer can get the scene value in the QR code and then do the processing logic.

The debugging phase can use the conditions of the development tool to compile the custom parameter scene=xxxx for simulation, and the parameter value of the scene when the development tool simulates requires encodeURIComponent

Small program

  onLoad (query) {
    // scene 需要使用 decodeURIComponent 才能获取到生成二维码时传入的 scene
    const scene = decodeURIComponent(query.scene)

Small games

// 在首次启动时通过 wx.getLaunchOptionsSync 接口获取
const {query} = wx.getLaunchOptionsSync()
const scene = decodeURIComponent(query.scene)

// 或者在 wx.onShow 事件中获取
wx.onShow(function ({query}) {
  // scene 需要使用 decodeURIComponent 才能获取到生成二维码时传入的 scene
  const scene = decodeURIComponent(query.scene)



 "scene": "a=1"


 "errcode": 0,
 "errmsg": "ok",
 "contentType": "image/jpeg",
 "buffer": Buffer

Cloud calls

Cloud call is the ability provided by the small program Cloud Development to call WeChat open interfaces in cloud functions and need to be used in cloud functions via wx-server-sdk.

The interface method

Permissions for the wxacode.getUnlimited API need to be configured in config.json, details

Request parameters

Property Type The default Required Description
scene string Is Up to 32 visible characters, support only numbers, case english and some !#$&'()*+,/:;=?@-._~ as legitimate characters % (Chinese cannot be processed urlencode because % is not supported, please use a different encoding method)
page string Home Whether Must be a page that already exists for a small program (otherwise errors are reported), such as pages/index/index do not fill / do not carry parameters (parameters should be placed in the scene field), if you do not fill in this field, the default skip main page
width number 430 Whether The width of the QR code in px, minimum 280px, maximum 1280px
autoColor boolean false Whether The line color is automatically configured, and if the color is still black, the main tone is not recommended, the default false
lineColor Object {"r":0,"g":0,"b":0} Whether auto_color is false, use rgb to set colors such as {"r":"xxx","g":"xxx","b":"xxx"} for a hex
isHyaline boolean false Whether If a transparent base color is required, a small program with a transparent base color is generated when true

Returns a value


An object that contains binary data and its data type

Property Type Description
contentType String Data Type (MIME Type)
buffer Buffer Data Buffer




Property Type Description
errCode number Error code
errMsg string The error message

The legal value of errCode

Value Description The lowest version



const cloud = require('wx-server-sdk')
exports.main = async (event, context) => {
  try {
    const result = await cloud.openapi.wxacode.getUnlimited({
        scene: 'a=1'
    return result
  } catch (err) {
    return err


 "errcode": 0,
 "errmsg": "ok",
 "contentType": "image/jpeg",
 "buffer": Buffer