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WeChat Gadget Tool Settings

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents

The settings page provides configuration for editors (skin and code editing), agents, and notifications. Tap Settings on the menu bar, or use the shortcut ctrl (⌘) plus to open the settings page.


Tap Settings on the menu bar to open the settings page. Set the configuration of the sidebar for editors, agents, and notifications, respectively.

WeChat Gadget Tool Settings

The editor configuration

The editor supports the configuration of appearance and code editor habits and styles.

Editor skin configuration

  • Theme: White, dark, black
  • Font
  • Size
  • Spaced

WeChat Gadget Tool Settings

Edit configuration support

  • The file is saved automatically when it is modified
  • All files are automatically saved at compile time
  • The small program is compiled automatically when the file is saved
  • Automatic folding
  • Replace tabs with spaces
  • Code thumbnails
  • Always open the file on a new tab
  • When Git compares the contents of a file, the Windows-style carriage return is ignored
  • Tab size

If Always open a file on a new tab is selected, when the editor tree clicks on a file, it always opens in a new tab, not in a temporary tab.

WeChat Gadget Tool Settings

The agent configuration

You can configure not to use agents, or to use system agents, or to use custom agents.

WeChat Gadget Tool Settings

Notify the configuration

System messages and developer community message notifications can be configured.

WeChat Gadget Tool Settings