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WeChat gadget tool beta version download

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents

Different from the official version, this page provides a download of a beta version of the developer tool, and we'll fix bugs and release some new features in beta first.

Small program new version of the tool internal testing

The new version of the small program development tool optimizes the following aspects

  • The overall architecture and logic of the tool have been refactored, with a more than 100% increase in compilation and startup speed
  • With optimized overall interaction, high-frequency operations such as previewing and uploading code are easier
  • Visual rendering has been refactored

Except, there are two new features available

  • Tencent Cloud Services: Developers provide free cloud development capabilities and environment details
  • Automated testing: Provides real-world test reports for small programs

Tips: The installation of the new version of the tool does not overwrite the old version, and both versions can exist at the same time

Download the address

windows 64 windows 32 mac

2017.08.24 Update log

  1. A: Add and remove custom device widths
  2. F: Fixes an issue with console printing only the first parameter in WXS.
  3. F: Fixes an issue with editor wxss, wxml not being formatted
  4. F: Fixes an issue in which the Chinese selected pieces are not highlighted
  5. F: Fixes an issue with the editor code not folding
  6. F: Fixes an issue in which the editor does not match automatically
  7. F: Fixes an issue with the wxml panel not showing dataset
  8. F: Fixes an issue with the failure of the wx.openLocation, wx.chooseLocation call
  9. F: Repair from the browser drag the picture to the developer tool to load the image causes the problem that the tool cannot be used.
  10. F: Repair the problem of shortcut key in the public number debug mode
  11. U: Optimize the public number debugging mode to scalable
  12. U: Optimize the interaction of the selection of the scene
  13. U: Optimize the interaction of Upload Tencent Cloud
  14. U: Optimize the display of the small screen toolbar

2017.08.22 update log

  1. F: Fix WXML Panel without displaying a style source file, you can't click on the problem of jump to source file
  2. F: Fix the problem that WXML Panel checks, unchecking the style
  3. F: Fixes an issue with the wxml panel that does not display
  4. F: Fix the missing issues of APIWx.navigateToMiniProgram, wx.navigateBackMiniProgram, wx.exitMiniProgram, wx.startPullDownRefresh, wx.openWeRunSetting, wx.chooseInvoiceTitle
  5. F: Fix an issue that page.json does not take effect
  6. F: Fixes the loss of the ctrl/command-r compilation shortcut
  7. F: Fix problems where you can't compile properly when you check both "Auto-save all files at compile time" and "Auto-compile small programs at save time."
  8. A: New WXS features