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WeChat gadget extension components and video sliding switching components

May 21, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


Video sliding switcher for a microscope-like unlimited video list effect.

Instructions for use

Video-lists should be no less than 3 lengths long and enter the loop when scrolled to the first or last item. C hanging the video-list with setData is appended directly to the previous video source. You can listen to the bindchange event to get the only id currently scrolling to that video, activeId is the only id for the video source.

The list of properties

Property Type The default Required Description
duration number 500 Whether The length of the slide animation
easing-function string default Whether Switch the type of easing animation
loop boolean true Whether Whether to loop
video-list Array VideoSwiperItem [] true The video source
bindchange eventhandle Whether Triggered when the swipe switch is complete, e.detail.
bindplay eventhandle no Start / continue to play when playing, e.detail = {activeID}
bindpause eventhandle no Trigger when playing playback, e.detail = {activeID}
bindended eventhandle no Trigger when playing at the end, e.detail = {activeID}
bindtimeupdate eventhandle no Trigger when playing progress changes, Event.detail = {CURRENTTIME, DURATION, ACTIVEID}
bindwaiting eventhandle no Video occurs when buffering, e.detail = {activeID}
binderror eventhandle no Video playback is triggered, e.detail = {activeID}
bindprogress eventhandle no Triggered when loading progress changes, only supporting a piece of load.Event.detail = {buffered, activeID}
bindloadedmetadata eventhandle no The video metadata is triggered when completed.Event.detail = {Width, Height, Duration, ActiveID}

VideoWiPerItem property list

Attributes illustrate
id Unique ID of each video source
url Video play address
objectFit When the video size is inconsistent with the VIDEO container size, the video of the video

Objectfit legitimate value

Attributes illustrate
contain Include
fill filling
cover cover

The legal value of easing-function

Property Description
default The default easing function
linear Linear animation
easeInCubic Slow down the animation
easeOutCubic Slow out the animation
easeInOutCubic Slow in and slow out the animation