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WeChat gadget extension components and optional text components

May 21, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


Optional text components. There are two modes of use for this component: press and hold the selection, which is consistent with the browser default effect, and press and hold the copy button, click copying all the contents to the clipboard, commonly found in scenes such as chat dialog boxes.

Note that in order to click on the other areas to hide the copy button, developers can listen to tap events at the outerst layer of the page and assign the evt object to on-document-tap.

<view bind:tap="handleTap">
  <view class="demo-block">
    <block wx:for="{{arr}}" wx:key="placement">
      <view class="list-item">
    <view class="list-item">
      <mp-select-text value="默认的长按效果与浏览器一致"></mp-select-text>

  data: {
    arr: [{
      value: '长按,上侧复制',
      placement: 'top'
    }, {
      value: '长按,右侧复制',
      placement: 'right'
    }, {
      value: '长按,左侧复制',
      placement: 'left'
    }, {
      value: '长按,下侧复制',
      placement: 'bottom'

  onLoad() {


  onCopy(e) {
    console.log('onCopy', e)
  handleTouchStart(e) {
    console.log('@@ touchstart', e)

  handleTap(e) {
    console.log('@@ tap', e)
      evt: e


WeChat gadget extension components and optional text components

The list of properties

Property Type The default Required Description
value String Is The contents of the text component
space String Whether Displays consecutive spaces
decode Boolean false Whether Whether to decode
show-copy-btn Boolean false Whether Press and hold the display copy button
z-index Number 99 Whether The level of the copy button
active-bg-color String #DEDEDE Whether Press and hold the text area background color when copying
on-document-tap Object Whether Whether The page listens for events

The legal value of space

Property Type
ensp Chinese is half the size of a character space
emsp Chinese character space size
nbsp The space size that is set according to the font

Code demo

Preview the effect in the developer tool

<view bind:tap="handleTap">
  <view class="demo-block">
    <block wx:for="{{arr}}" wx:key="placement">
      <view class="list-item">
    <view class="list-item">
      <mp-select-text value="默认的长按效果与浏览器一致"></mp-select-text>
  data: {
    arr: [{
      value: '长按,上侧复制',
      placement: 'top'
      value: '长按,右侧复制',
      placement: 'right'
      value: '长按,左侧复制',
      placement: 'left'
      value: '长按,下侧复制',
      placement: 'bottom'

  handleTap(e) {
    this.setData({ evt: e })