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WeChat gadget extension component row/col component

May 21, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

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Row/col components

Following the gridded layout idea, coupled with the features of a responsive layout, provides row/col two basic layout components to help developers quickly adapt to multi-screen applications.

The core concept is to divide the entire screen width into 24 units, the size of each unit, determined by the current screen size. For example, with a screen width of 375px, then 1 unit is 375/24 px.


  1. NPM installation
npm i @miniprogram-component-plus/col --save
npm i @miniprogram-component-plus/row --save
  1. Developer tools build npm, check "Use NPM module", refer to NPM support
  2. Page JSON file Add to UsingComponents field
  "usingComponents": {
    "mp-col": "@miniprogram-component-plus/col",
    "mp-row": "@miniprogram-component-plus/row"
  1. Use components in the page
<view class="page__desc">三列均分布局</view>
          <mp-col span="{{8}}">
              <view class="col">
          <mp-col span="{{8}}">
              <view class="col">
          <mp-col span="{{8}}">
              <view class="col">

ROW component properties

None of default

COL component properties

Attributes type Defaults Required illustrate
span number 24 no The number of copies of the current COL
offset number 0 no Offset Margin from the left side of the ROW
push number 0 no Unit distance from the left side
pull number 0 no Units from the right side
Xs number, Object<span,offset, push, pull> Whether When the < 768px the grid rules are displayed. For xs="2" 或 xs="{ "span": 24, "offset": 0 }"
Sm number, Object<span,offset, push, pull> Whether When the >= 768px, <992px the grid rules are displayed accordingly.
Md number, Object<span,offset, push, pull> Whether When the >= 992px, <1200px are displayed according to the screen.
Lg number, Object<span,offset, push, pull> Whether Grid rules are displayed when the screen is >= 1200px, <1920px
Xl number, Object<span,offset, push, pull> Whether The grid rules that are displayed when the screen >= 1920px


  • When you set span and responsive properties at the same time, the span property is used when the screen exceeds the range of responsive properties.