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WeChat bug setUpdatable Msg

May 19, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

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This interface should be called on the server side, see Service API
This interface support Cloud call .Need Developer Tools> = 1.02.1904090 (Latest Stable version download
wx-server-sdk >= 0.4.0

Modify the shared dynamic message.See Dynamic message

Call mode:

  • HTTPS call
  • Cloud call

HTTPS call

Request address


Request parameters

Attributes type Defaults Required illustrate
access_token string Yes Interface call credential
activity_id string Yes Dynamic message ID, get through the UpdatableMessage.createActivityID interface
target_state number Yes Dynamic messages have been modified (see the specific meaning)
template_info Object Yes Dynamic message corresponding to template information

Target_State's legitimate value

value illustrate Minimum version
0 has not started
1 Start

Template_info structure

Attributes type Defaults Required illustrate
parameter_list Array.<Object> Yes Parameters that need to be modified in the template

Parameter_list's structure

Attributes type Defaults Required illustrate
name string Yes Parameter name to be modified
value string Yes Modified parameter value

The legal value of Name

value illustrate Minimum version
member_count target_state = 0 Always fill, text content template member_count Value
room_limit target_state = 0 Always fill, text content template room_limit Value
path target_state = 1 Always fill, click the path to start the applet when you enter the "Enter".
For small games, there is no page concept, you can use to pass query string (Query), such as "?foo=bar"
version_type target_state the version used to start the small program by clicking "Enter" when it is required at target_state = 1
Valid parameter values are: develop (development), trial (experience), release (official)

Returns a value


The returned JSON packet

Property Type Description
errcode number Error code
errmsg number The error message

The legal value of errcode

Value Description The lowest version
0 The request was successful
-1 The system is busy. Please ask the developer to try again later
42001 access_token expires
44002 The post data is empty
47001 The parameters in the post data are missing
47501 The activity_id error
47502 The target_state error
47503 The version_type error
47504 activity_id expires

The status of the message

The message has two states (target_state), each with its corresponding text content and color. Text content templates and colors do not support changes.

State The content of the text Color The state in which the transfer is allowed
0 "Members are joining, and there are currently member_count of people in room_limit. #FA9D39 0, 1
1 "Started" #CCCCCC No

The default validity period for an activity is 24 hours. At the end of the event, the message content becomes a uniform style:

  • Text: "Closed"
  • Text color: #00ff00

Curl calls the example

curl -d '{"activity_id": "966_NGiqxxxxxxxxx...xxxxxxxxE33BlwX", "target_state": 0, "template_info": {"parameter_list": [{"name": "member_count", "value": "2"}, {"name":"room_limit", "value": "5"} ] } }' \

Cloud calls

Cloud call is the ability provided by the small program Cloud Development to call WeChat open interfaces in cloud functions and need to be used in cloud functions via wx-server-sdk.

The interface method

Permissions for the updatableMessage.setUpdatableMsg API need to be configured in config.json, details

Request parameters

Property Type The default Required Description
activityId string Is The ID of News Feed is obtained through the updatableMessage.createActivityId interface
targetState number Is Status of News Feed modifications (see below for specific meanings)
templateInfo Object Is The template information for News Feed

The legal value of targetState

Value Description The lowest version
0 Not started
1 Has started

The structure of templateInfo

Property Type The default Required Description
parameterList Array.<Object> Is The parameters in the template that need to be modified

The structure of the parameterList

Property Type The default Required Description
name string Is The name of the argument to modify
value string Is The modified parameter value

The legal value of name

Value Description The lowest version
member_count target_state = 0 and the value of the member_count member_count the text template
room_limit target_state = 0 and the value of the text room_limit the text template
path target_state the path used to start the small program by clicking "Enter" when it is required at target_state = 1
For games, there is no concept of a page that can be used to pass a query "?foo=bar"
version_type target_state the version used to start the small program by clicking "Enter" when it is required at target_state = 1
Valid parameter values are: develop (development), trial (experience), release (official)

Returns a value


The returned JSON packet

Property Type Description
errCode number Error code
errMsg number The error message

The legal value of errCode

Value Description The lowest version
0 Success



The exception thrown

Property Type Description
errCode number Error code
errMsg number The error message

The legal value of errCode

Value Description The lowest version
-1 The system is busy. Please ask the developer to try again later
42001 access_token expires
44002 The post data is empty
47001 The parameters in the post data are missing
47501 The activity_id error
47502 The target_state error
47503 The version_type error
47504 activity_id expires