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Vimscript is released

May 25, 2021 Vim

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Now you have enough Vimscript skills to build Vim plug-ins that can help a lot of people. This chapter deals with how to post your plug-ins online so people can get them, and how to send small ads to potential users.


The first thing you need to do is put your plugin online so that others can download it. The most common option is to put it on the script layout of Vim's official website.

You need a free account on this site. O nce you have it, you can click on the Add Script link and fill out the form. You'll understand when you get there.

There has been a trend in the past few years that more and more plug-ins are being hosted on web bazaars like Bitbucket or GitHub. T his situation may be due to two factors. F irst, Pathogen makes it possible for each installed plug-in file not to be placed in a separate location. The rise of distributed version control systems such as Mercury and Git, as well as publicly hosted sites such as Bitbucket and GitHub, has also had an impact.

Providing a code repository is convenient for people who want to manage their dotfiles with version control. Mercurial users can use Mercurial's "subrepositories" to track changes in plug-in versions, while Git users can use submodules (although only for other Git code repositories, unlike Mercury's subbrepo).

Having a complete repository for each plug-in you install also makes it easier to debug when you find problems with them. Y ou can use blame, bisection, or other tools provided by your VCS to find out what's wrong. If you have a warehouse on your own machine, it's easier to give your fixes.

I hope you've decided to expose your plug-in code repository. No matter which service you use, at least the code base needs to be accessed by people.


You've documented the plug-in thoroughly in Vim's own help document format. B ut your work is not finished yet. You'll also need to write an introduction, including the following:

  1. What can your plug-in do?
  2. Why do users want to use it?
  3. Why is it better than a similar plug-in, if any?
  4. What protocol does it follow?
  5. For a link to the full document, consider rendering with the vim-doc website.

These should be placed in your README file (which will appear on the main page of the Bitbucket or GitHub repository) and you can also describe it as a plug on the repository.

It's always a good idea to include some screenshots. Being a text editor doesn't mean Vim doesn't have a user interface.

Post a small ad

Once you've deployed the plug-in to various hosting sites, it's time to promote it to the world! You can introduce your fans on Twitter, promote it on Reddit's /r/vim page, blog about it on your personal website, and send small ads to nods on vim mailing lists.

Whenever you launch something you create, you always receive some compliments and criticisms. D on't worry about bad reviews. L isten to their voices, while being cheeky and calm about the small flaws (right or wrong) that are pointed out in the work. Nothing is perfect, and this is the Internet, so if you want to stay happy and passionate, you need to be able to afford it.


If you haven' account yet, create one.

Check out the READEME files of your favorite plug-ins to see how they are organized and the information they contain.