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Vant Tab tab

May 07, 2021 Vant

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import Vue from 'vue';
import { Tab, Tabs } from 'vant';


Code demo

Basic usage

The first label is enabled by default by binding the index value for the currently activated label with v-model binding

<van-tabs v-model="active">
  <van-tab title="标签 1">内容 1</van-tab>
  <van-tab title="标签 2">内容 2</van-tab>
  <van-tab title="标签 3">内容 3</van-tab>
  <van-tab title="标签 4">内容 4</van-tab>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      active: 2

Match by name

Where the label specifies the name property, v-model is the name of the current label

<van-tabs v-model="activeName">
  <van-tab title="标签 1" name="a">内容 1</van-tab>
  <van-tab title="标签 2" name="b">内容 2</van-tab>
  <van-tab title="标签 3" name="c">内容 3</van-tab>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      activeName: 'a'

The label bar scrolls

When the number of labels exceeds 4, the tab bar scrolls horizontally, automatically centering the current label when switching

  <van-tab v-for="index in 8" :title="'标签 ' + index">
    内容 {{ index }}

Disable the label

Set disabled to disable the label. If you need to listen for tab-disabled click events, you can listen for disabled events on van-tabs

<van-tabs @disabled="onClickDisabled">
  <van-tab title="标签 1">内容 1</van-tab>
  <van-tab title="标签 2" disabled>内容 2</van-tab>
  <van-tab title="标签 3">内容 3</van-tab>
import { Toast } from 'vant';

export default {
  methods: {
    onClickDisabled(name, title) {
      Toast(name + '已被禁用');

Style style

Tab supports two style styles: line card default to line styles, and you can modify the style style with the type property

<van-tabs type="card">
  <van-tab title="标签 1">内容 1</van-tab>
  <van-tab title="标签 2">内容 2</van-tab>
  <van-tab title="标签 3">内容 3</van-tab>

Click the event

Click events can be bound on van-tabs with the event pass-through as the index and title for the label click

<van-tabs @click="onClick">
  <van-tab title="标签 1">内容 1</van-tab>
  <van-tab title="标签 2">内容 2</van-tab>
import { Toast } from 'vant';

export default {
  methods: {
    onClick(name, title) {

Sticky layout

The sticky opens the sticky layout, under which the tab automatically tops when it scrolls to the top

<van-tabs v-model="active" sticky>
  <van-tab v-for="index in 4" :title="'选项 ' + index">
    内容 {{ index }}

Custom labels

The title allows you to customize the label content

<van-tabs v-model="active">
  <van-tab v-for="index in 2">
    <div slot="title">
      <van-icon name="more-o" />选项
    内容 {{ index }}

Switch animations

The animated allows you to turn on transition animations when switching label content

<van-tabs v-model="active" animated>
  <van-tab v-for="index in 4" :title="'选项 ' + index">
    内容 {{ index }}

Slide to switch

The swipeable allows you to turn on the swipe toggle tab

<van-tabs v-model="active" swipeable>
  <van-tab v-for="index in 4" :title="'选项 ' + index">
    内容 {{ index }}

Scroll through the navigation

Scroll navigation mode can be turned on with the scrollspy property, where the content is tiled

<van-tabs v-model="active" scrollspy sticky>
  <van-tab v-for="index in 8" :title="'选项 ' + index">
    内容 {{ index }}


Tabs Props

Parameters Description Type The default
v-model Bind the identifier of the currently selected label number | string 0
type Style style type, optional value is card string line
color Label theme color string #ee0a24
background The label bar background color string white
duration Animation time, in seconds number | string 0.3
line-width The width of the bottom bar, the default px number | string auto
line-height The bottom bar height, the default px number | string 3px
animated Turn on transition animations when switching label content boolean false
border Whether to display the outer border of the label bar is type="line" boolean true
ellipsis Whether to omit too long the title text boolean true
sticky Whether to use stickiness to position the layout boolean false
swipeable Whether to turn on gesture swipe switching boolean false
lazy-render Whether to turn on delayed rendering (triggers content rendering the first time you switch to a label) boolean true
scrollspy v2.3.0 Whether to turn on scroll navigation boolean false
offset-top The minimum distance from the top, px under the sticky positioning layout number | string 0
swipe-threshold Scrolling thresholds, the number of labels exceeds the threshold and starts scrolling horizontally number | string 4
title-active-color The title selects the state color string -
title-inactive-color Title default state color string -

Tab Props

Parameters Description Type The default
title Title string -
disabled Whether to disable the label boolean false
dot v2.3.0 Whether to display a small red dot in the upper right corner of the title boolean false
info v2.3.0 The contents of the logo in the upper right corner of the title number | string -
name v2.0.6 Label name, as a matching identifier number | string The index value of the label
url v2.2.1 Click on the link address that jumps string -
to v2.2.1 Click to jump the target routing object, with vue-router string | object -
replace v2.2.1 Whether to replace the current page history when jumping boolean false
title-style v2.2.14 Custom title style any -

Tabs Events

The name of the event Description Callback parameters
Click Triggered when clicking on the tab name: identifier, title: title
change Triggered when the currently activated label changes name: identifier, title: title
disabled Triggered when clicking on a disabled label name: identifier, title: title
rendered v2.3.0 Triggered when the label content is first rendered (triggered only after delayed rendering is turned on) name: identifier, title: title
scroll Triggered when scrolling, only in sticky mode ScrollTop: Distance from top position, isFixed: Whether to ceiling . . .

Tabs method

ref you to get Tabs instance and call the instance method, as detailed in The Component Instance Method

The method name Description Parameters Returns a value
resize This method can be called to trigger a redraw after the size of the outer element has changed - void

Tabs Slots

Name Description
nav-left The content to the left of the title
nav-right The content to the right of the title

Tab Slots

Name Description
default The contents of the tab
title Custom title, dynamic rendering is not supported

Example demonstration