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Vant Popup pop-up layer

May 07, 2021 Vant

Table of contents


Pop-up layer containers for displaying pop-up windows, informational tips, and more, supporting multiple pop-up overlays


import Vue from 'vue';
import { Popup } from 'vant';


Code demo

Basic usage

Control whether the pop-up layer is displayed through v-model

<van-cell is-link @click="showPopup">展示弹出层</van-cell>
<van-popup v-model="show">内容</van-popup>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      show: false

  methods: {
    showPopup() { = true;

The ejection position

By setting the pop-up position by theposition property, the default center pop-up can be set to top, bottom, left, right

  :style="{ height: '20%' }"

Turn off the icon

When you set the closeable property, the off icon appears in the upper right corner of the pop-up layer, and you can customize the icon with the close-icon property, which allows you to customize the icon position

  :style="{ height: '20%' }"
<!-- 自定义图标 -->
  :style="{ height: '20%' }"
<!-- 图标位置 -->
  :style="{ height: '20%' }"

Fillet bounce window

When theround property is set, the pop-up window adds different fillet styles depending on where it pops up

  :style="{ height: '20%' }"

Specify the mount location

The eject layer is mounted to the component location by default, and the mount location can be specified by the get-container property

<!-- 挂载到 body 节点下 -->
<van-popup v-model="show" get-container="body" />

<!-- 挂载到 #app 节点下 -->
<van-popup v-model="show" get-container="#app" />

<!-- 通过函数指定挂载位置 -->
<van-popup v-model="show" :get-container="getContainer" />
export default {
  methods: {
    // 返回一个特定的 DOM 节点,作为挂载的父节点
    getContainer() {
      return document.querySelector('.my-container');
Note: Components that use the get-container property cannot be root nodes



Parameters Description Type The default
v-model Whether the current component is displayed boolean false
overlay Whether to display the mask layer boolean true
position Pop-up location, optional value top bottom right left string center
overlay-class Custom matte layer class name string -
overlay-style Custom matte layer styles object -
duration Animation length, in seconds number | string 0.3
round v2.0.7 Whether to display fillets boolean false
lock-scroll Whether to lock the background scroll boolean true
lazy-render Whether the node is rendered when the bullet layer is displayed boolean true
close-on-popstate v2.2.10 Whether to close automatically when the page is rolled back boolean false
close-on-click-overlay Whether to close after tapping the matte layer boolean true
closeable v2.2.0 Whether to display the close icon boolean false
close-icon v2.2.0 Close the icon name or picture link string cross
close-icon-position v2.2.2 Turn off the icon position, with an optional top-left
bottom-left bottom-right
string top-right
transition The name of the animation class, equivalent to the name property of name string -
get-container Specifies the node that is mounted string | () => Element -
safe-area-inset-bottom v2.2.1 Whether to turn on the bottom safety zone to fit boolean false


The name of the event Description Callback parameters
Click Triggered when you click on the pop-up layer event: Event
open Triggered when the pop-up layer is opened -
opened Open the pop-up layer and trigger after the animation ends -
close Triggered when the ejection layer is closed -
closed The pop-up layer is closed and triggered after the animation ends -
click-overlay Triggered when the mask layer is clicked -

Example demonstration