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Vant Coupon Selector

May 07, 2021 Vant

Table of contents


import Vue from 'vue';
import { CouponCell, CouponList } from 'vant';


Code demo

Basic usage

<!-- 优惠券单元格 -->
  @click="showList = true"
<!-- 优惠券列表 -->
  style="height: 90%; padding-top: 4px;"
const coupon = {
  available: 1,
  condition: '无使用门槛\n最多优惠12元',
  reason: '',
  value: 150,
  name: '优惠券名称',
  startAt: 1489104000,
  endAt: 1514592000,
  valueDesc: '1.5',
  unitDesc: '元'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      chosenCoupon: -1,
      coupons: [coupon],
      disabledCoupons: [coupon]
  methods: {
    onChange(index) {
      this.showList = false;
      this.chosenCoupon = index;
    onExchange(code) {;


CouponCell Props

Parameters Description Type The default
title The cell title string 优惠券
chosen-coupon The index of the coupon is currently selected number -1
coupons A list of available coupons Coupon[] []
editable Can I switch coupons? boolean true
border Whether to display the inner border boolean true
currency Currency symbol string ¥

CouponList Props

Parameters Description Type The default
v-model The currently entered redemption code string -
chosen-coupon The index of the coupon is currently selected number -1
coupons A list of available coupons Coupon[] []
disabled-coupons A list of unavailable coupons Coupon[] []
enabled-title The title of the list of available coupons string 可使用优惠券
disabled-title The coupon list title is not available string 不可使用优惠券
exchange-button-text Redeem the button text string 兑换
exchange-button-loading Whether to display a redemption button load animation boolean false
exchange-button-disabled Whether to disable the redemption button boolean false
exchange-min-length The minimum length of the redemption code number 1
displayed-coupon-index Scroll to a specific coupon location number -
show-close-button Whether to display the button at the bottom of the list boolean true
close-button-text The text of the button at the bottom of the list string 不使用优惠
input-placeholder Enter the box text prompt string 请输入优惠码
show-exchange-bar Whether to display the redemption bar boolean true
currency Currency symbol string ¥
empty-image v2.1.0 The placemap when the list is empty string
show-count v2.3.0 Whether to show the number of available/unavailable boolean true

CouponList Events

The name of the event Description Callback parameters
change Coupon switch callbacks index, select the index of the coupon
exchange Redeem coupon callbacks code, redemption code

Coupon data structure

The key name Description Type
Id Coupon id string
name The name of the coupon string
condition Full minus condition string
startAt Card valid start time (timestamp, in seconds) number
endAt Card expiration date (timestamp, in seconds) number
description Description information, which is displayed when coupons are available string
reason Why not available, coupons are displayed when they are not available string
value Discount coupon coupon amount, unit points number
valueDesc Discount coupon coupon amount document string
unitDesc Unit paper string

Example demonstration