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TypeScript is built daily

May 07, 2021 TypeScript

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TypeScript is built daily

TypeScript's master branch code is automatically built at master Standard Time and published to NPM and NuGet. H ere's how to get them and use them in the tool.

Use npm

npm install -g typescript@next

Use NuGet and MSBuild

Note: You need to configure the project to use the NuGet package. F or more information, refer to Configure the MSBuild project to use NuGet.

There are two packages:

  • Microsoft.TypeScript.Compiler Includes tools only tsc.exe lib.d.ts and so on. )
  • Microsoft.TypeScript.MSBuild The same tools as above, as well as MSBuild's tasks and goals Microsoft.TypeScript.targets Microsoft.TypeScript.Default.props , and so on

Update the IDE to use the daily build

You can also configure the IDE to use the daily build. F irst you have to install the package through npm. Y ou can do a global installation or install it in the node_modules node_modules directory.

In the next steps we assume that you have installed typescript@next typescript@next.

Visual Studio code

Update .vscode/settings.json as follows:

"typescript.tsdk": "<path to your folder>/node_modules/typescript/lib"

For more information, see the VSCode documentation.

sublime text

Update Settings - User as follows:

"typescript_tsdk": "<path to your folder>/node_modules/typescript/lib"

For more information, see How to install the TypeScript plug-in in Sublime Text.

Visual Studio 2013 and 2015

Note: Most changes don't require you to install a new version of the VS TypeScript plug-in.

The current daily build does not include a complete plug-in installation package, but we are trying to provide a daily build package.

  1. Download the VSDevMode.ps1 script.

    Refer to the wiki documentation: Use a custom language service file.

  2. Executed in the PowerShell command line window:

VS 2015:

VSDevMode.ps1 14 -tsScript <path to your folder>/node_modules/typescript/lib

VS 2013:

VSDevMode.ps1 12 -tsScript <path to your folder>/node_modules/typescript/lib

IntelliJ IDEA (Mac)

Go Preferences and Languages & Frameworks and TypeScript

TypeScript Version: If installed via NPM: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/lib