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The service side

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

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Cloud development Server API documentation

The cloud environment is node-.js, and install Node and npm .js development.

Using cloud development requires installing wx-server-sdk dependencies in the cloud function directory:

npm install --save wx-server-sdk

When you create a cloud function in the root of a tool cloud function, a package.json that defines the wx-server-sdk dependency is created by default and prompts for automatic installation of the dependency when it is created successfully. If you can't use npm install directly in your environment, such as if you need to go proxy, use a self-built npm source station, use other package managers such as yarn, and so on, you can't use the tool's automatic installation dependency, and you need to manually execute the dependent installation command.

It is important to note that the success, fail, complete callbacks are no longer compatible in wx-server-sdk and will always only return Promise.

The following is the wx-server-sdk API document classification portal:

  • Initialization
  • Database
  • Store
  • Cloud function