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The SDK database Aggregate calculates the number of records

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents

Aggregate.count(fieldName: string): Aggregate

Support: Small program 2.7.4, cloud function 0.8.1, Web

The aggregation phase. Calculates the number of records entered into this stage by the previous aggregation stage and outputs a record where the value of the specified field is the number of records.


fieldName: string

Returns a value


API description

The form of count is as follows:


The name of the field that outputs the number of records, cannot be an empty string, cannot begin with $, and cannot contain . Character.

The count stage is equivalent to the operation of group-project:

const $ = db.command.aggregate
    _id: null,
    count: $.sum(1),
    _id: 0,

The above outputs a record that contains the count field.


Suppose the collection items have the following records:

  _id: "1",
  price: 10.5
  _id: "2",
  price: 50.3
  _id: "3",
  price: 20.8
  _id: "4",
  price: 80.2
  _id: "5",
  price: 200.3

Find the number of records with a price greater than 50:

const $ = db.command.aggregate
    price: $.gt(50)

The results are as follows:

  "expensiveCount": 3