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The scope of the Erlang match, Guards, and variables

May 13, 2021 Erlang

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The scope of the Erlang match, Guards, and variables

In some scenarios, we may need to find the maximum temperature or minimum temperature. T herefore, it is useful to find the maximum or minimum value in the temperature value list. B efore the extender implements this feature, let's look at the method of finding the maximum value in the list:


list_max([Head|Rest]) ->
   list_max(Rest, Head).

list_max([], Res) ->
list_max([Head|Rest], Result_so_far) when Head > Result_so_far ->
    list_max(Rest, Head);
list_max([Head|Rest], Result_so_far)  ->
    list_max(Rest, Result_so_far).
37> c(tut6).
38> tut6:list_max([1,2,3,4,5,7,4,3,2,1]).

First note that the names of the two functions are exactly the same. H owever, because they accept different numbers of arguments, they are treated as two completely different functions in Erlang. W hen you need to use them, you can use the name/number of parameters, the name here is the name of the function, the number of parameters refers to the number of parameters of the function. I n this example, list_max/1 and list_max/2

In this example, during traversing the middle element of the list, a value (maximum) is "carried", which Result_so_far list_max/1 the first element in the list as the maximum element, and then uses the remaining element as an argument list_max/2 I n the example above list_max([2,3,4,5,6,7,4,3,2,1],1) I f you call list_max/1 as an list_max or data of a non-list type, an error occurs. N ote that Erlang's philosophy is not to deal with errors where they occur, but to deal with them in places that specialize in errors. W e'll explain it in more detail later.

In list_max/2 when head is Head > Result_so_far head is used instead Result_so_far the function continues to be called. W hen used in front of the function is a special word that means that this part of the function will only be used if the test condition is true. T his type of test is called guard. I f the guard is false (that is, the guard test fails), skip this section and try to use the later part of the function. I n this example, if Head is not greater Result_so_far be less than or equal to . S o the guard test is not required in the next part of the function.

Operators that can be used in guard also include:

  • < Less than
  • > Greater than
  • == Equals
  • >= Is greater than or equal to
  • =< Less than or equal to
  • /= Not equal to

(See Guard Sequences for details)

It's easy to modify the program that looks > for the maximum above to find the minimum element, just < . ( However, it is a good idea to also modify the function list_min

As we mentioned earlier, each variable can only be assigned once within its scope. A s you can see from the example above, Result_so_far been assigned more than once. T his is because every time a list_max/2 is called, a new scope is created. I n each of the different scopes, Result_so_far treated as completely different variables.

In addition, we can use the matching operator to create a variable and assign a value to it. T herefore, the variable M is created by M s 5 and is assigned a value of 5. I f you write M s 6 again in the same scope, an error will result. T ry it in the shell:

39> M = 5.
40> M = 6.
** exception error: no match of right hand side value 6
41> M = M + 1.
** exception error: no match of right hand side value 6
42> N = M + 1.

In addition to creating new variables, another use for matching operators is to separate the Erlang items.

43> {X, Y} = {paris, {f, 28}}.
44> X.
45> Y.

As above, the X value is paris, and the value of Y is .f, 28.

If you use X and Y again, you get an error:

46> {X, Y} = {london, {f, 36}}.
** exception error: no match of right hand side value {london,{f,36}}

Variables are used to improve the readability of the program. F or example, list_max/2 you can write something like this:

list_max([Head|Rest], Result_so_far) when Head > Result_so_far ->
    New_result_far = Head,
    list_max(Rest, New_result_far);

Writing this way makes the program clearer.