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The operation of the Erlang list

May 13, 2021 Erlang

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Erlang has more on the list

| T he operator can be used to take the first element in the list:

47> [M1|T1] = [paris, london, rome].
48> M1.
49> T1.

At the same time, | O perators can also be used to add elements at the first part of the list:

50> L1 = [madrid | T1].
51> L1.

Use | A n example of an operator action list is the following -- flip the elements in the list:



reverse(List) ->
    reverse(List, []).

reverse([Head | Rest], Reversed_List) ->
    reverse(Rest, [Head | Reversed_List]);
reverse([], Reversed_List) ->
52> c(tut8).
53> tut8:reverse([1,2,3]).

Take a closer look at Reversed_List was created. A t the beginning, it is . T he first element of the list to be flipped is then taken out and Reversed_List list, as follows:

reverse([1|2,3], []) =>
    reverse([2,3], [1|[]])

reverse([2|3], [1]) =>
    reverse([3], [2|[1])

reverse([3|[]], [2,1]) =>
    reverse([], [3|[2,1]])

reverse([], [3,2,1]) =>

The lists module includes functions for many action lists, such as list flips. T herefore, before you write the functions of the do-it-yourself list, you can check if you already have one in the module (refer to the lists(3) manual in STDLIB).

Let's go back to the topic of cities and temperature, but this time we'll use a more structured approach. F irst, we'll use Celsius for the entire list of temperatures:


format_temps(List_of_cities) ->

convert_list_to_c([{Name, {f, F}} | Rest]) ->
    Converted_City = {Name, {c, (F -32)* 5 / 9}},
    [Converted_City | convert_list_to_c(Rest)];

convert_list_to_c([City | Rest]) ->
    [City | convert_list_to_c(Rest)];

convert_list_to_c([]) ->

Test the function above:

54> c(tut7).
{ok, tut7}.
55> tut7:format_temps([{moscow, {c, -10}}, {cape_town, {f, 70}},
{stockholm, {c, -4}}, {paris, {f, 28}}, {london, {f, 36}}]).

Here's what it means:

format_temps(List_of_cities) ->

format_temps/1 convert_list_to_c/1 function. covert_list_to_c/1 List_of_cities of the element and converts it to a celsius unit, if | T he operator is used to add the converted element to the remaining list after the conversion:

[Converted_City | convert_list_to_c(Rest)];


[City | convert_list_to_c(Rest)];

Repeat until the list is empty. W hen the list is empty, executes:

convert_list_to_c([]) ->

When the list is converted, output it with the new printout function:


format_temps(List_of_cities) ->
    Converted_List = convert_list_to_c(List_of_cities),

convert_list_to_c([{Name, {f, F}} | Rest]) ->
    Converted_City = {Name, {c, (F -32)* 5 / 9}},
    [Converted_City | convert_list_to_c(Rest)];

convert_list_to_c([City | Rest]) ->
    [City | convert_list_to_c(Rest)];

convert_list_to_c([]) ->

print_temp([{Name, {c, Temp}} | Rest]) ->
    io:format("~-15w ~w c~n", [Name, Temp]),
print_temp([]) ->
56> c(tut7).
57> tut7:format_temps([{moscow, {c, -10}}, {cape_town, {f, 70}},
{stockholm, {c, -4}}, {paris, {f, 28}}, {london, {f, 36}}]).
moscow          -10 c
cape_town       21.11111111111111 c
stockholm       -4 c
paris           -2.2222222222222223 c
london          2.2222222222222223 c

Next, add a function to search for cities with the highest and lowest temperature values. T he following method is not the most efficient way because it traverses the list four times. B ut first you should ensure that the program is clear and correct, and then you should find a way to improve the efficiency of the program:


format_temps(List_of_cities) ->
    Converted_List = convert_list_to_c(List_of_cities),
    {Max_city, Min_city} = find_max_and_min(Converted_List),
    print_max_and_min(Max_city, Min_city).

convert_list_to_c([{Name, {f, Temp}} | Rest]) ->
    Converted_City = {Name, {c, (Temp -32)* 5 / 9}},
    [Converted_City | convert_list_to_c(Rest)];

convert_list_to_c([City | Rest]) ->
    [City | convert_list_to_c(Rest)];

convert_list_to_c([]) ->

print_temp([{Name, {c, Temp}} | Rest]) ->
    io:format("~-15w ~w c~n", [Name, Temp]),
print_temp([]) ->

find_max_and_min([City | Rest]) ->
    find_max_and_min(Rest, City, City).

find_max_and_min([{Name, {c, Temp}} | Rest], 
         {Max_Name, {c, Max_Temp}}, 
         {Min_Name, {c, Min_Temp}}) ->
        Temp > Max_Temp ->
            Max_City = {Name, {c, Temp}};           % Change
        true -> 
            Max_City = {Max_Name, {c, Max_Temp}} % Unchanged
         Temp < Min_Temp ->
            Min_City = {Name, {c, Temp}};           % Change
        true -> 
            Min_City = {Min_Name, {c, Min_Temp}} % Unchanged
    find_max_and_min(Rest, Max_City, Min_City);

find_max_and_min([], Max_City, Min_City) ->
    {Max_City, Min_City}.

print_max_and_min({Max_name, {c, Max_temp}}, {Min_name, {c, Min_temp}}) ->
    io:format("Max temperature was ~w c in ~w~n", [Max_temp, Max_name]),
    io:format("Min temperature was ~w c in ~w~n", [Min_temp, Min_name]).
58> c(tut7).
{ok, tut7}
59> tut7:format_temps([{moscow, {c, -10}}, {cape_town, {f, 70}},
{stockholm, {c, -4}}, {paris, {f, 28}}, {london, {f, 36}}]).
moscow          -10 c
cape_town       21.11111111111111 c
stockholm       -4 c
paris           -2.2222222222222223 c
london          2.2222222222222223 c
Max temperature was 21.11111111111111 c in cape_town
Min temperature was -10 c in moscow