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The numpy linspace() function uses a detailed explanation

May 30, 2021 Article blog

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Linspace() function

As a sequence generator, numpy.linspace() function is used to generate digital sequences in linear space at uniform steps.

Numpy can usually use numpy.arange() to generate sequences, but when we use floating-point parameters, it can result in a loss of precision, which can lead to unpredictable output. T o avoid any loss of precision due to floating-point accuracy, numpy provides us with a separate sequence generator in numpy.linspace() that is preferred if you already know the number of elements required. H owever, linspace() and arange() with the appropriate parameters are usually used to get the same output, so you can choose both for the same task.

For example, the following code uses numpy.linspace() to draw two linear sequences between 0 and 10 to show the uniformity generated by that sequence.

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

y = np.zeros(5)

x1 = np.linspace(0, 10, 5)

x2 = np.linspace(0, 10, 5)

plt.plot(x1, y, 'o')

plt.plot(x2, y + 0.5, 'o')

plt.ylim([-0.5, 1])


 The numpy linspace() function uses a detailed explanation1


Format: array = numpy.linspace(start, end, num=num_points) generates a uniform sequence between start and end with num_points elements.

  • start -> Starting point (included) of the rangeart -> range start (including)
  • end -> Endpoint (included) of the range -> range endpoints (including)
  • num -> Total number of points in the sequence > of total points in the sequence of total points

Let's understand this in a few examples:

import numpy as np

a = np.linspace(0.02, 2, 10)

print('Linear Sequence from 0.02 to 2:', a)

print('Length:', len(a))


Linear Sequence from 0.02 to 2: [0.02 0.24 0.46 0.68 0.9  1.12 1.34 1.56 1.78 2.  ]

Length: 10

The above snippet produces an even sequence of 0.02 to 2, which contains 10 elements.

The endpoint keyword parameter

If you don't want to include the last point in the sequence calculation, you can use another keyword parameter, endpoint to set it to False (True True by default)

import numpy as np

a = np.linspace(0.02, 2, 10, endpoint=False)

print('Linear Sequence from 0.02 to 2:', a)

print('Length:', len(a))


Linear Sequence from 0.02 to 2: [0.02  0.218 0.416 0.614 0.812 1.01  1.208 1.406 1.604 1.802]

Length: 10

As you can see, the last point (2) is not included in the sequence, so the steps are different, which results in a completely different sequence.

The retstep keyword parameter

This is a Boolean optional parameter, if specified, and also returns the step and sequence array, resulting in a tuple as output

import numpy as np

a = np.linspace(0.02, 2, 10, retstep=True)

print('Linear Sequence from 0.02 to 2:', a)

print('Length:', len(a))


Linear Sequence from 0.02 to 2: (array([0.02, 0.24, 0.46, 0.68, 0.9 , 1.12, 1.34, 1.56, 1.78, 2.  ]), 0.22)

Length: 2

Because the output is a tuple, its length is 2 instead of 10!

Axis keyword parameters

This sets the axis in the result to store the sample. Use it only if the start and endpoint are array data types.

By default axis=0 sampling is done along the new axis inserted at the beginning. We can use axis=-1 to get the shaft at the end.

import numpy as np

p = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

q = np.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]])

r = np.linspace(p, q, 3, axis=0)


s = np.linspace(p, q, 3, axis=1)



array([[[1., 2.],

[3., 4.]],

[[3., 4.],

[5., 6.]],

[[5., 6.],

[7., 8.]]])

array([[[1., 2.],

[3., 4.],

[5., 6.]],

[[3., 4.],

[5., 6.],

[7., 8.]]])

In the first case, we get the sequence limit from the first axis because axis = 0

Here, the limits are the sub-array pairs [1, 2] and [5,6] [3, 4] and [7,8] which are taken from the first axis of p and q Now we compare the corresponding elements in the result pair to generate the sequence.

"Thus, the order of the first row is . [[1 to 5], [2 to 6]] [[1 to 5], [2 to 6]] [ [[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[3, 4], [5, 6]], [[5, 6], [7,8]] ] [[3 to 7], [4 to 8]]

In the second case, a new element is inserted in axis=1 or column. T herefore, the new axis is generated through a column sequence. instead of a sequence of rows.

Consider the sequences of [1, 2] to [5, 7] [3, 4] to [7, 8] to , . [[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], [[3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]]]

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