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The Erlang process

May 13, 2021 Erlang

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Erlang process management

Compared with other functional programming languages, Erlang's advantage lies in its common programming and distributed programming. A synth is a program in which multiple threads are executing at the same time. F or example, modern operating systems allow you to use word processing, electronic watching software, mail terminals, and printing tasks at the same time. A t any one point, each processing unit (CPU) in the system has only one thread (task) executing, but these threads can be executed alternately at a certain rate to make them look like they are running at the same time. C reating multiple threads in Erlang is simple and it is easy to communicate between these threads. I n Erlang, each thread that executes is called a process (that is, a process, note that it is not quite the same concept as the process in the operating system).

(Note: A process is used in a scenario where there is no execution thread that shares data.) T hreads, on the other hand, are used in scenes where data is shared. B ecause Erlang does not share data between execution threads, we generally refer to it as a process. )

Erlang's built-in function spawn can be used to create a spawn(Module, Exported_Function, List of Arguments) S uppose you have a module like this:


-export([start/0, say_something/2]).

say_something(What, 0) ->
say_something(What, Times) ->
    io:format("~p~n", [What]),
    say_something(What, Times - 1).

start() ->
    spawn(tut14, say_something, [hello, 3]),
    spawn(tut14, say_something, [goodbye, 3]).
5> c(tut14).
6> tut14:say_something(hello, 3).

As shown above, say_something the function outputs the value of the first argument multiple times based on the number of times specified by the second argument. T he function starts two Erlang processes, one of which outputs "hello" three times and the other "goodbye" three times. T he function is called in say_something process. H owever, it is important to note that to start a process with a function, the function must export the module and start with spawn.

9> tut14:start().

Note that this is not the first time to output "goodbye" three times and then three times to output "goodbye". I nstead, the first process outputs a "hello" and then the second process outputs "goodbye" again. N ext, the first process outputs the second "hello". B ut the <0.63.0> did it come from? I n the Erlang system, the return value of a function is the value of the last expression of the function, and the last expression of the start function is:

spawn(tut14, say_something, [goodbye, 3]).

Spawn returns the identifier of the process, which is simply pid. A process identifier is a tag that uniquely identifies an Erlang process. S o, <0.63.0> process identifier returned by spawn. T he following example shows how to use a process identifier.

In addition, in this ~p io:format is not ~w T he user manual is ~w quoted as saying: ~p data is output in the format of standard syntax, ~p but when the output needs to take up multiple lines, the output can behave smarter at the branch." I n addition, it attempts to detect the outputable string in the list and outputs by string."