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The difference between attr() and prop() in jQuery

May 30, 2021 Article blog


In jQuery, we're going to get the properties of a label element that can be used in the attr() method or the prop() method, so what's the difference?

jQuery attr() method and prop() method

  • attr() method sets or returns the property value of the selected element.
  • prop() method sets or returns the properties and values of the selected element.

Note: By definition alone, both methods work the same way. And the usage is similar, as shown below.

Role one: Returns the property value of the selected element. The syntax is as follows:


Role 2: Set the properties and values of the selected element. The syntax is as follows:


Role 3: Set multiple properties and values. The syntax is as follows:

$(selector).attr( {attribute:value, attribute:value ...} ) //对象的写法,键值对
$(selector).prop( {property:value, property:value,...} ) //对象的写法,键值对

Role four: Use functions to set properties and values. The syntax is as follows: (usually rarely used)

* index - 检索集合中元素的 index 位置。
* oldvalue / currentvalue - 检索被选元素的当前属性值。

We'll find out:

  • Both methods are used in the same way, except that there are differences in method names. One is attr and the other is prop.
  • The full spelling of attr is attribute. P rop's full spelling is property. They are two different words, and although they all have the meaning of attributes, the meaning must be different.

The difference between property and attribute

  • property n. Property, nature, performance;
  • attribute n. attribute;

Thus, the two are very confusing because the translations on the Chinese are particularly close. But in fact, they are two different things, belong to different categories.

  • By delving into their Chinese meaning, we can interpret attribute as "attribute" and property as "attribute".
  • Obviously, one is the property and the other is the attribute. It must be different.
  • If you Baidu "attribute" keyword, you will find that the property corresponding to the English directly is property. And Baidu meaning of the "attribute" of the detailed interpretation is: refers to the inherent nature of things...

Now, we know:

  • property property. I t is innate, not given the day after. For example, some objects have some properties when they are defined.
  • attribute attribute. I t doesn't have it, it's given the day after. For example, some objects customize some of the properties assigned after they are created.

Corresponding to js is:

  • property is a property in the DOM, an object in JavaScript;
  • attribute is an attribute (property) on an HTML label whose value can only be a string;

Corresponding to jQuery is:

  • For HTML elements that are inherent in their own attributes, or that are included in the W3C standard, it is more intuitive to say that some of the properties that can be intelligently prompted in the editor, such as src, href, value, class, name, id, and so on. Use the prop() method when processing.
  • For HTML elements we customize the DOM property, that is, the element itself does not have this property, such as: data-. When processing, use the attr() method.

The return value of the attr() method and prop() method

  • $(eleStr).attr()
<img src="/smile.jpg"/>
<button>获取图像的 class 属性值</button>
  console.log( $("img").attr("class") );//如果属性存在,则返回属性值;如果属性不存在,则返回 undefined
  console.log( $("img").prop("class") );//如果属性存在,则返回属性值;如果属性不存在,则返回 空("")
  • $(eleStr).prop()
<input type="checkbox">
  console.log( $("input").prop("checked") ); //如果属性值存在,则返回 true;如果属性值不存在,则返回 false。
  console.log( $("input").attr("checked") );//如果属性值存在,则返回 checked;如果属性值不存在,则返回 undefined。