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The C++ STL tutorial

May 11, 2021 C++

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The C++ STL tutorial

In the previous sections, we've already learned the concept of a C++ template. The C++ STL (Standard Template Library) is a powerful set of C++ template classes that provide common template classes and functions that enable a variety of popular and commonly used algorithms and data structures, such as vectors, lists, queues, and stacks.

The core of the C++ standard template library consists of three components:

Assembly describe
Containers The container is used to manage a collection of some types of objects.C ++ provides a variety of different types of containers, such as Deque, List, Vector, Map, etc.
Algorithms The algorithm acts on the container.They provide a way to perform a variety of operations, including initialization, sort, search, and conversion of the container content.
Iterators The iterator is used to traverse the object set.These collections may be containers, or the subset of containers.

All three components come with rich predefined functions that help us handle complex tasks in a simple way.

The following program demonstrates a vector container (a template for the C++ standard), which is very similar to an array, but the only difference is that the vector automatically handles its own storage needs when it needs to scale up:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
   // 创建一个向量存储 int
   vector<int> vec; 
   int i;

   // 显示 vec 的原始大小
   cout << "vector size = " << vec.size() << endl;

   // 推入 5 个值到向量中
   for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){

   // 显示 vec 扩展后的大小
   cout << "extended vector size = " << vec.size() << endl;

   // 访问向量中的 5 个值
   for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
      cout << "value of vec [" << i << "] = " << vec[i] << endl;

   // 使用迭代器 iterator 访问值
   vector<int>::iterator v = vec.begin();
   while( v != vec.end()) {
      cout << "value of v = " << *v << endl;

   return 0;

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following results:

vector size = 0
extended vector size = 5
value of vec [0] = 0
value of vec [1] = 1
value of vec [2] = 2
value of vec [3] = 3
value of vec [4] = 4
value of v = 0
value of v = 1
value of v = 2
value of v = 3
value of v = 4

There are a few things to note about the various functions used in the example above:

  • push_back () member function inserts a value at the end of the vector and expands the size of the vector if necessary.
  • The size () function shows the size of the vector.
  • The begin () function returns an iterator that points to the beginning of the vector.
  • The end() function returns an iterator that points to the end of the vector.