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Talk: Programmers need the necessary conditions to get into the workplace!

May 29, 2021 Article blog

Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, development programming work is still firmly at the top of the hot employment list. W hen high school graduates volunteer, computer science is also the first choice. M ore people to choose, competition will follow, many senior computer managers said that the industry is now a growing pool of talent, recruitment requirements with the rise. In the face of new students' job search, in addition to having solid theoretical knowledge, but also need practical experience, for job seekers personal cooperation ability, communication skills, physical fitness, anti-pressure ability have certain requirements.

So in the face of such a competitive job market, what do we need to do to stand out from the crowd when we first enter the workplace and win our first offer?

First, solid theoretical knowledge

Solid theoretical knowledge is one of the most basic and necessary competencies of a qualified programmer, and emphasis must be placed here on the most basic. B ecause if not even the basic knowledge is not available, then all the conditions after that can not be established, it is like the completion of a house, if not even the foundation, how to build tall buildings. M any students who study programming do not value theoretical knowledge, and feel that the most important thing in programming is to practice code. C onstant practice code is correct, but the practice code, do not understand its composition principles, code logic, and how to practice is useless. Y ou can carry ten lines, a hundred lines, a thousand lines of code, but you can't always carry hundreds of thousands of lines of code for an entire project. Therefore, it is still necessary to be honest and master the basic knowledge, once the theoretical knowledge is mastered, the subsequent development is handy.

 Talk: Programmers need the necessary conditions to get into the workplace!1

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Second, practice

As the first said, without theoretical knowledge, a single-minded code is useless. A nd simply master theoretical knowledge, do not transform knowledge, and constantly practice, is also not possible. O r to build a house as an example, just lay the foundation, do not add bricks and mortar, the house is still not built. T here is an old saying: a programmer who doesn't have a 100,000-line code is not a good programmer. So to be a programmer, practice the code first.

 Talk: Programmers need the necessary conditions to get into the workplace!2

Third, the actual combat

The actual battle is based on the first two conditions summarized, the base will be well played, but also learned how to build walls and other techniques, now all you have to do is to build a complete house. M any students say that knowledge is understood, but also understand why to write code, but to integrate the code, there will be a lot of bugs. T his is the necessity of actual combat, through the actual combat, you can understand what you have shortcomings, what can be optimized, rather than so-called integration. A t present, the actual combat courses offered in universities are few and far between, nothing more than about thirty or forty lessons in a sophobic year, which is often not enough. T herefore, students are still advised to use their spare time to study on their own, if you can find a practical teacher, or to the company to practice, can make the technology more mature. Job seekers with hands-on experience can get more attention in your job search.

 Talk: Programmers need the necessary conditions to get into the workplace!3

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Four: good physical fitness

In fact, this is not only required in the development of programming work, for all office workers. N owadays, many companies have a longer working model and need to sit and work for a long time, resulting in many white-collar workers suffering from cervical vertebral disease, lumbar disc protrusion and other problems. Engaged in programming development work, will also face overtime to stay up late and other issues, in this case a good physical fitness is particularly important.

 Talk: Programmers need the necessary conditions to get into the workplace!4

V: Communication skills

A programmer, in addition to doing their job, but also need to develop colleagues, product colleagues to communicate well, a system of presentation, is the performance of many people working together, if the communication ability is not appropriate, may produce ambiguity, resulting in delays in the work process. Having a good communication skills can make workplace relationships more harmonious, which is also the basic principle of the workplace.

 Talk: Programmers need the necessary conditions to get into the workplace!5

Six, sincere

Sincerity is the only way to success. N o matter what happens, not humble, when criticized humbly accept, seriously correct, when praised do not be complacent, continue to work hard. D on't understand to ask, do your own thing, don't be lazy, don't row. Even if the ability is weak, at least the attitude has, colleagues will like you more.

The above W3Cschool compilation is a compilation of six key points that programmers need to pay attention to when they first enter the workplace. For more programming, follow

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