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Swoole server event callback function

May 14, 2021 Swoole

In swoole, a swoole_server has several callback functions that determine the relevant functions swoole_server the system. Can be done

$serv->on( string $event, mixed $callback );

function to configure. Example:

class Server
    private $serv;
    public function __construct() {
        $this->serv = new swoole_server("", 9501);
            'worker_num' => 8,
            'daemonize' => false,
            'max_request' => 10000,
            'dispatch_mode' => 2,
            'debug_mode'=> 1
        $this->serv->on('Start', array($this, 'onStart'));
        $this->serv->on('Connect', array($this, 'onConnect'));
        $this->serv->on('Receive', array($this, 'onReceive'));
        $this->serv->on('Close', array($this, 'onClose'));

All callback functions and related descriptions are as follows:



Description: A callback that receives data
Function prototype:

function onReceive( swoole_server $serv, $fd, $from_id, $data );
Parameters Describe
$serv swoole_server object
$fd The descriptor of the connection
$from_id reactor's id, useless
$data The data received

Description: Whenever the server receives data from the client, the data is delivered to the Worker via the onReceive callback. I f protocol detection is turned on, callbacks are not responded to until the full packet is received. Note that the callback function must be set or the server cannot be started.


Description: A callback initiated by the server
Function prototype:

function onStart( swoole_server $serv);
Parameters Describe
$serv swoole_server object

The onStart event is called in the main thread of the Master process. Before this callback response, Swoole Server had done the following

  • The manager process has been created
  • The worker sub-process has been created
  • All TCP/UDP ports have been listened to
  • The timer has been monitored

Next, do it

  • The main Actor starts receiving events, and the client can connect to the server

In the onStart callback, only echo, print Log, and modify process names are allowed. N o other action should be taken. T he onWorkerStart and onStart callbacks are executed in parallel in different processes, without sequentiality. Y ou can save the values of $serv-gt;master_pid and $serv-gt;manager_pid in the onStart callback to a file. This allows you to script and send signals to both PIDs for shutdown and restart operations.
The timer is no longer supported from the 1.7.5 plus Master process, and the onMasterConnect/onMasterClose 2 event callbacks are completely removed. No PHP interfaces are retained within the Master process.
Global resource objects created in onStart cannot be used in the worker process because the worker process was created by the time the onStart call occurred. Newly created objects are in the main process, and the worker process cannot access this memory area, so the code created by the global object needs to be placed swoole_server_start the database.


Description: A callback that the Worker process starts
Function prototype:

function onWorkerStart( swoole_server $servint $worker_id);
Parameters Describe
$serv swoole_server object
$worker_id The id of the Worker process

Description: This event occurs when the worker process/task_worker process starts.

In the event of a PHP fatal error or an active call to exit in code, the Worker/Task process exits and the management process re-creates the new process onWorkerStart/onStart, which is executed in unordered order

Using the worker_id of the $300 parameter, determine whether the worker is a normal worker task_worker. $worker said the process was $serv when the worker_num was "task_worker".
If you want swoole_server_reload implement code overloading, you must require your business file in WorkStart, not at the head of the file. Files that were included before the onWorkerStart call are not reloaded with code.
You can place common, irhyable php files before the onWorkerStart. This way, although the code cannot be overloaded, all workers are shared and do not require additional memory to hold the data.
The code after onWorkerStart each worker needs to keep a copy in memory of $worker-id is a number from 0-$worker-num, indicating that the ID $worker-id of the worker process has nothing to do with the process PID


Description: A callback when a new connection is connected
Function prototype:

function onConnect( swoole_server $servint $fd, int $from_id);
Parameters Describe
$serv swoole_server object
$fd The descriptor of the connection
$from_id reactor's id, useless

Description: When a new connection enters, the callback is made in the worker process. T he two callbacks onConnect/onClose occur within the worker process, not the main process. I f you need to handle connection/close events in the main process, register the onMasterConnect/onMasterClose callback. The onMasterConnect/onMasterClose callback is always executed before the onConnect/onClose


Description: A callback when the connection is closed
Function prototype:

function onClose( swoole_server $servint $fd, int $from_id);
Parameters Describe
$serv swoole_server object
$fd The descriptor of the connection
$from_id reactor's id, useless

Description: After the TCP client connection is closed, this function is called back in the worker process. T his event is triggered whether the close is initiated by the client or swoole_server_close server-side active call to close the connection. So as long as the connection is closed, you'll definitely call back to this function.


Description: A callback task_worker process processing tasks in the process
Function prototype:

function onTask(swoole_server $serv, int $task_id, int $from_id, string $data);
Parameters Describe
$serv swoole_server object
$task_id The task ID
$from_id From which worker process
$data The content of the task

Description: Called task_worker process within the process. T he worker process can swoole_server_task a function to task_worker new tasks to the worker process. T he task result string can be returned directly to the worker process via return. T he worker process will receive the result in the onFinish callback. Note: If the serv-gt;set ('task_worker_num') is not incremental task_id from 1-8.


Description: This task_worker callback to the end of the process processing task
Function prototype:

function onFinish(swoole_server $serv, int $task_id, string $data);
Parameters Describe
$serv swoole_server object
$task_id The task ID
$data The result of the task

Description: In this function, you receive the results of task processing to distinguish task_id tasks worker_id different tasks by using the data.


Description: A callback triggered by a timer
Function prototype:

function onTimer(swoole_server $serv, int $interval);
Parameters Describe
$serv swoole_server object
$interval Timed intervals

Description: When the timer is triggered, the function is called. Interval is used to distinguish between timers at different intervals.