SQL common data type

The data type defines the type of value stored in the column.

SQL common data type

Each column in the database table needs to have a name and data type.

SQL developers must decide when creating SQL tables what type of data each column in the table will store. A data type is a label that is a guide for SQL to understand what type of data each column expects to store, and it also identifies how SQL interacts with stored data.

The following table lists the common data types in SQL:

type of data describe
CHARACTER(n) Character / string.Fixed length n.
Character / string.Variable length.Maximum length n.
BINARY(n) Two-in-strings.Fixed length n.
BOOLEAN Store true or false value
Varbinary (N) or
Two-in-strings.Variable length.Maximum length n.
INTEGER(p) Integer value (no decimal point).Precision P.
SMALLINT Integer value (no decimal point).Accuracy 5.
INTEGER Integer value (no decimal point).Accuracy 10.
BIGINT Integer value (no decimal point).Accuracy 19.
DECIMAL(p,s) Accurate value, accuracy P, rear number of decimal points s.For example: Decimal (5, 2) is a number of 2 digits after a small number of decimal points before the decimal point.
NUMERIC(p,s) Accurate value, accuracy P, rear number of decimal points s.(Same as Decimal)
FLOAT(p) Approximate value, mandate accuracy P.A floating point number using an exponential count of 10 is based.This type of Size parameter consists of a single number of specified minimum accuracy.
REAL Approximate value, mantissa accuracy 7.
FLOAT Approximate value, mandate accuracy 16.
DOUBLE PRECISION Approximate value, mandate accuracy 16.
DATE Store the value of the year, month, and day.
TIME Store hours, points, and seconds.
TIMESTAMP Storage year, month, day, hour, minute, second value.
INTERVAL Composed of some integer fields, representing a period of time, depending on the type of interval.
ARRAY Order collection of the fixed length of the element
MULTISET Disorder collection of variable lengths of elements
XML Store XML data

SQL data type quick reference manual

However, different databases provide different choices for data type definitions.
The following table shows the generic names of certain data types on different database platforms:

type of data Access SQLServer Oracle MySQL PostgreSQL
boolean Yes/No Bit Byte N/A Boolean
integer Number (integer) Int Number Int
float Number (single) Float
Number Float Numeric
currency Currency Money N/A N/A Money
string (fixed) N/A Char Char Char Char
string (variable) Text (<256)
Memo (65k+)
Varchar Varchar
Varchar Varchar
binary object OLE Object Memo Binary (fixed up to 8K)
Varbinary (<8K)
Image (<2GB)

SQL common data type

Note: The same data type may have different names in different databases. E ven if the name is the same, the size and other details can be different! Please feel free to check the files!