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SDK database database database database geo-structure set

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

Table of contents


The set of database geo-location structures


Geo.LineString (points: GeoPoint[]): GeoPoint

Construct a geographic "line." A line consists of two or more points connected in an orderly manner.

Geo.MultiLineString (lineStrings: GeoLineString[]): GeoMultiLineString

Construct a geo-location "line" collection. A collection of lines consists of multiple lines.

Geo.MultiPoint (points: GeoPoint[]): GeoMultiPoint

Constructs a collection of "points" for a geographic location. A collection of points consists of one or more points.

Geo.MultiPolygon (polygons: GeoPolygon[]): GeoMultiPolygon

Construct a geo-location "polygon" collection. A collection of polygons consists of multiple polygons.

Geo.Point (longitude: number, latitude: number): GeoPoint

Construct a geographic location "point." Method accepts two required parameters, the first is longitude and the second is latitude, so it is important to pay attention to the order.

Geo.Polygon (lineStrings: GeoLineString[]): GeoPolygon

Construct a geographic location "polygon"