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SDK database Command query array operator

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

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Command.all(values: any[]): Command

Support: Small program 2.8.3, cloud function 1.2.1, Web

Array query operator. A query filter for array fields that requires that the array field contain all elements of a given array.


values: any[]

Returns a value


Example code 1: Normal array

Find records for tags array fields that contain both cloud and database

const _ = db.command
  tags: _.all(['cloud', 'database'])
  success: console.log,
  fail: console.error

Example code 2: An array of objects

If the array element is an object, you can match some of the object's fields with .elemMatch

Suppose there are fields that are defined as follows:

  "type": string
  "area": number
  "age": number

Find out that the array field contains at least one element that satisfies "area is greater than 100 and age is less than 2" and an element that satisfies "type is mall and age is greater than 5"

const _ = db.command
  places: _.all([
      name: 'mall',
  success: console.log,
  fail: console.error,

Command.elemMatch(condition: Object| Command): Command

Support: Small program 2.8.3, cloud function 1.2.1, Web

A query filter for array fields that requires the array to contain at least one element that meets all the criteria given by elemMatch


condition: Object| Command

Match the condition

Returns a value


Example code: An array is the case of an array of objects

Suppose the sample data for the collection is as follows:

  "_id": "a0",
  "city": "x0",
  "places": [{
    "type": "garden",
    "area": 300,
    "age": 1
  }, {
    "type": "theatre",
    "area": 50,
    "age": 15

Find out that the places array field contains at least one element that satisfies that the "area is greater than 100 and age is less than 2"

const _ = db.command
  places: _.elemMatch({

Note: If you do not specify the conditions as follows directly as follows using elemMatch, it means that the area field of at least one element in the places array field is greater than 100 and the age field of at least one element in the places array field is less than 2:

const _ = db.command
  places: {

Example code: Array elements are normal data types

Suppose the sample data for the collection is as follows:

  "_id": "a0",
  "scores": [60, 80, 90]

Find out that at least one element in the scores array field that meets "greater than 80 and less than 100" is included

const _ = db.command
  places: _.elemMatch(

Command.size(value: string): Command

Support: Small program 2.8.3, cloud function 1.2.1, Web

Update the operator, the query filter for array fields, to require the array length to be a given value


value: string

Returns a value



Find all records with a tags array field length of 2

const _ = db.command
  places: _.size(2)
  success: console.log,
  fail: console.error,