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SDK database Command, aggregate operator, constant operator

May 20, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

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AggregateCommand.literal(value: any): Object

Support: Small program 2.7.4, cloud function 0.8.1, Web

The aggregate operator. Returns a literal amount of a value directly without any resolution and processing.


value: any

Returns a value


API description

Literal is used as follows:


If the value is an expression, literal does not parse or evaluate the expression, but instead returns it directly.

The sample code

For example, we have an items collection with the following data:

{ "_id": "0", "price": "$1" }
{ "_id": "1", "price": "$5.60" }
{ "_id": "2", "price": "$8.90" }

Use $literally

The following code uses literal to generate a new field, isOneDollar, to indicate whether the price field is strictly equal to "$1".

Note: We can't use eq here ('$price', '$1') because "$1" is an expression that represents the value of the "1" field, not the literal "$1" of the string.

const $ = db.command.aggregate
    isOneDollar: $.eq(['$price', $.literal('$1')])

The output is as follows:

{ "_id": "0", "isOneDollar": true }
{ "_id": "1", "isOneDollar": false }
{ "_id": "2", "isOneDollar": false }

Project a field with a corresponding value of 1

The following code uses literal to project a new field, amount, with a value of 1.

const $ = db.command.aggregate
    price: 1,
    amount: $.literal(1)

The output is as follows:

{ "_id": "0", "price": "$1", "amount": 1 }
{ "_id": "1", "price": "$5.60", "amount": 1 }
{ "_id": "2", "price": "$8.90", "amount": 1 }