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Revel template

May 15, 2021 Revel

Table of contents

Revel uses the Go template to find the template in two directories:

  • Views directory views application (including all subdirectdirectles)
  • Revel's templates directory.

For example, if you have Hello whose World Revel looks for a views/Hello/World.html named " . The template name is case insensescing, views/hello/world.html and views/HeLlO/wOrLd.HtMl matching templates.

Revel provides error page templates (friendly display compilation errors in development mode) that developers can also rewrite, such app/views/errors/500.html .

The rendering context

Revel renders templates using RenderArgs map. In addition to the data transmitted by the developer, Revel also provides some useful data:

  • "errors" - Verify errors (map, refer to the document Validation.ErrorMap
  • "flash" - data from the last request flash

Template functionality

Go provides some template functions. R evel has also added some template functions. Read the documentation below or view the source code .


A simple "a - b" test.

For example:

<div class="message {{if eq .User "you"}}you{{end}}">


Set a variable in the context of the current template

For example:

{{set . "title" "Basic Chat room"}}



Add variables to an array, or create an array in the context of a template

For example:

{{append . "moreScripts" "js/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js"}}

{{range .moreStyles}}
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/public/{{.}}">


Input field auxiliary function.

Given a field name, the function generates a structure that contains the following members:

  • Id: Field Id, the ID converted to an HTML field.
  • Name: Field name
  • Value: The value of the field in the current context
  • Flash: The field value brought back
  • Error: Field error message (if there is an error)
  • ErrorClass: The original string "hasError", if there is no error is a "".

Browse godoc.

For example:

{{with $field := field "booking.CheckInDate" .}}
  <p class="{{$field.ErrorClass}}">
    <strong>Check In Date:</strong>
    <input type="text" size="10" name="{{$field.Name}}" class="datepicker" value="{{$field.Flash}}">
    * <span class="error">{{$field.Error}}</span>


Use secondary functions to generate HTML option fields.

For example:

{{with $field := field "booking.Beds" .}}
<select name="{{$field.Name}}">
  {{option $field "1" "One king-size bed"}}
  {{option $field "2" "Two double beds"}}
  {{option $field "3" "Three beds"}}


Use secondary functions to generate HTML radio input fields

For example:

{{with $field := field "booking.Smoking" .}}
  {{radio $field "true"}} Smoking
  {{radio $field "false"}} Non smoking


Break that converts line breaks into HTML.

For example:

You said:
<div class="comment">{{nl2br .commentText}}</div>


An auxiliary plulus function

For example:

There are {{.numComments}} comment{{pluralize (len comments) "" "s"}}


Output native, un escaped text

For example:

<div class="body">{{raw .blogBody}}</div>


Go templates allow you to include other templates in the template, such as:

{{template "header.html" .}}

Note: The relative path is app/views

Warm tips

Revel's application uses the Go template efficiently, so take a look at the following example:

  • revel/samples/booking/app/views/header.html
  • revel/samples/booking/app/views/Hotels/Book.html

Use secondary functions to set the title and additional styles for the template.

For example:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/public/css/main.css">
    <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/public/img/favicon.png">
    {{range .moreStyles}}
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/public/{{.}}">
    <script src="/attachments/image/cimg/jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
    <script src="/attachments/image/cimg/script>
    {{range .moreScripts}}
      <script src="/attachments/image/cimg/{{.}}" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

Use this in a template:

{{set . title "Hotels"}}
{{append . "moreStyles" "ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css"}}
{{append . "moreScripts" "js/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js"}}
{{template "header.html" .}}

Custom template functions

Applications can register custom template functions

For example:

func init() {
    revel.TemplateFuncs["eq"] = func(a, b interface{}) bool { return a == b }