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python Getting Started Basic Learning Is a tutorial that's perfect for Little White

May 31, 2021 Article blog

What is python? P ython is the programming language. C omputer design language, that is, programming language you can hear many kinds, such as difficult to learn C language, very popular java language, web programming language js and so on, and a variety of languages can not be called out, then what is python language? Here's a closer look:

 python Getting Started Basic Learning Is a tutorial that's perfect for Little White1

First, let's popularize the basics of programming languages. A programming language is a language that communicates with a computer to enable it to accomplish tasks such as turning on video, opening video, and getting specific information from a Web page. D ifferent programming languages do the same thing, and the amount of code written varies widely.

For example, if the computer is to do the same task, if it is C, it will write 1000 lines of code, Java will only need to write 100 lines, and Python may only need 20 lines. From this simple introduction we can see that --- Python is a fairly advanced language.

The development of programming languages is characterized by the higher the language, the simpler it is to learn and apply. T he Python language is very easy to use for beginners and for ordinary tasks. A nd even Google is using Python on a massive scale, so you don't have to worry about learning.

So what can I do with Python? Y ou can do everyday tasks, such as working with excel documents; you can crawl the data you need to count on a web page; and, for example, build a station, where many well-known websites are written by Python. P ython is a full stack development language, so to speak, you just have to learn Python, then the front end, back end, testing, big data analysis, reptiles and so on you can do these jobs.

Even if you are Xiaobai, you can become a python programmer as long as you meet the following criteria:

can use a computer, but never write a program;

will operate the computer, even if you have never written code;

As long as you have the mathematics knowledge point of junior high school math

Want to learn programming, from the introduction of small white programming advanced software engineers;

You can squeeze out about 30 minutes of study a day

Don't hesitate, this tutorial is for you! C lick on the python tutorial || now python Advanced Advanced

Phase 1 (1-8 days)

At this stage we formally entered the Python language learning, first by understanding the origin of Python language, Python language design objectives, Python language design philosophy, Python language advantages and disadvantages and object-oriented basic concepts, as well as Python language implementation, as well as Python integrated development environment PyCharm use for our next learning.

Then we will learn int, string, float three simple variable types, inter-variable calculation, variable input and output, if judgment statement, while loop statement, for loop statement, break and continue use, the basic use of functions, module use, list, tuple, dictionary three advanced variables, string common operations.

Finally, we will learn the advanced content of the syntax, global variables, local variables, variable data types and immutable data types, as well as functions return multiple values, the default parameters of the function, multi-value parameters, the basic use of recursion. > Python3 tutorial

Phase 2 (9-12 days)

At this stage we will learn the important programming idea of object orientation (OOP), first learning the basic concepts of classes and objects, dir functions, the role of self, initialization methods__init__, built-in functions__str__, del, single inheritance, method override, private properties and methods, multi-inheritance, polymorphism, class properties, static methods.

Then we will also learn the design pattern of the single-case pattern, exception capture, exception throw, fromimport local import, fromimport import tool of the same name, fromimport import all tools, package use, production module, pip use and file-related operations. > Computer White Getting Started Python Programming

Phase III (13-15 days)

This stage is the project drill phase, we will lead you through the use of previously learned knowledge to develop aircraft war this classic game, the project has a game window, image drawing, game loops, event monitoring, elves and elf groups as well as the creation of enemy aircraft, create heroes and fire bullets, collision detection and other modules. > python live tutorial

Each small partner can join the QQ group to obtain courseware graphic materials, and in the group with other small partners to communicate, QQ group please add the little lion sister QQ (3400982550) after the success of the purchase to obtain.

After taking this basic course, small partners who want to further improve their real-world skills can choose to continue to advance Python reptile skills, or advanced Python data analysis:

python3 reptile foundation to advanced combat (reptile article)

Python3 Advanced: Data Analysis and Visualization