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Operation within the JS data structure stack: Processing decimal turn binary code

May 30, 2021 Article blog

 Operation within the JS data structure stack: Processing decimal turn binary code1

The process of converting decimals to binary can be thought of as an operation in which the remaining numbers from each calculation are pressed into the stack

The implementation process is as follows

//           十进制转二进制代码
function dec2bin(decNumber){

var stack=new Stack()
    // 1- 获取余数 将其压入栈内
    // 2- 获取整除后的结果 作为下一次取余的数字

//               从栈内取出

var result=''

return result


 Operation within the JS data structure stack: Processing decimal turn binary code2

Handwritten ideas:

1. First define a function and define the required conversion numbers to be passed in

2, the use of stack structure (here need to encapsulate the stack function in advance, such as pop)

3, cycle judgment (in this case, the operation of pressing numbers into the stack) whether the number is greater than 0

  • Inside the loop: First, the incoming numbers are taken (in this case, decimal to binary divide by 2) and then the results of rounding the numbers are updated Loop operation until the number is less than or equal to 0

4. First define an empty array

5, loop to determine (in this case, the results from the stack to remove the operation) there are elements in the stack

  • Inside the loop: Empty array Plus elements that are removed each time within the stack

Here's the code for the encapsulation stack that can be omitted

function Stack() {

    //栈 中的一些属性
    this.items = []

    Stack.prototype.push = function (element) {

    Stack.prototype.pop = function () {
        return this.items.pop()

    Stack.prototype.peek = function () {
        return this.items[this.items.length - 1]

    Stack.prototype.isEmpty = function () {
        return this.items.length == 0


    Stack.prototype.size = function () {
        return this.items.length
    Stack.prototype.toString = function () {
        var result = ''
        for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
            result += this.items[i]
        return result